Mrs. Hogel’s class members are Making soup fit for a king (or a classroom)!

Youth Soccer Camp registration is open!

Quote of the Day:
“The true and durable path into and through experience involves being true... to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge.” - Seamus Heaney

Register for the Columbia Summer Camp programs today!

Quote of the Day:
“You will miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.” - Dr. Seuss

Quote of the Day:

CCHS 2021 Prom!!




💙🦅💛Prom 2021!

Prom 2021!💙🦅💛🎶

Quote of the Day:
“Discover who you really are and fall in love with the process of becoming the very best version of yourself.” - Leadership First

Congratulations Columbia Central High School Girls Tennis Team!
League Champions!

Youth Soccer Camp registration is open!

Quote of the Day:
What we focus on grows.

The police and fire vehicles are at the Elementary tending to a community member with a medical concern. All students are fine.

Fun in the Sun Fitness Center Camps! Register today!

Columbia School District 💙🦅💛 loves STEM activities! Mrs. Hawkins’ class is doing Science and art today! Painting vegetable gardens and learning about roots, stems, leaves, and soil. Plus, a little time to just create. 🎨❤️🖌

Join us at CCHS on Sunday afternoon for a free outdoor Band and Choir Concert 🎶 🎵 ! 💙🦅💛