STEM activities support Columbia School District students’ learning! Check out these 4th grade “junior engineers” designing a switch for their circuit! 💙🦅💛

STEM is an important part of the curriculum at Columbia School District! Mrs.Aguilera’s students learned the parts of a flower 🌺!

Quote of the Day:

Mrs. Aguilera’s class learned about ladybugs today 🐞 They borrowed lady bugs from Mrs. Pound’s class as we talked about the stages.
🐞🐞 🍃💙🦅💛

The Eagle Pride trip for Juniors will be on Friday, May 28. All permission forms and a $30 deposit must be turned in by Friday , May 14. If your child needs a permission form, they are available in the office and also have been emailed to all 11th grade students.

Join us at CCHS on Sunday afternoon for a free outdoor Band and Choir Concert 🎶 🎵 ! 💙🦅💛

Quote of the Day:
“Life is 10% what you are handed and 90% how you handle it! Use this in each choice you make, it will make all the difference!” - Sherry Hynes

For 30 years, Mrs. Russel has supported Columbia students and she will be greatly missed as she retires! She was recognized with the Superintendent’s Award for her commitment and dedication at the Board of Education meeting, and we could not be more proud to honor her! 🎉💙💛

For 36 years, Mr. Cryderman has captured the hearts of Columbia students. He will be greatly missed as he begins a new adventure as a retiree! He was recognized for his commitment and dedication at the Board of Education meeting, and we could not be more proud to honor him! 🎉💙💛

Congratulations to Mrs. Jennifer VanWagnen for earning recognition as a Columbia Hero at this evening’s Board of Education meeting! 🎉💙💛🦅💛💙#ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Congratulations to Ms. Lisa Weidenbach for earning recognition as a Columbia Hero at this evening’s Board of Education meeting! 🎉💙💛🦅💛💙#ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Summer Camp registration is open for grades K-8!

Quote of the Day:
Control the way you respond to what's happening, that's your power right there.

Columbia teachers are Heroes! Read about Mrs. Rentschler! https://pamcampbellssoup.blogspot.com/2021/05/columbia-hero-kelly-rentschler.html

It's Hope Run week at Columbia! We are celebrating with Spirit Dress-Up Days. Join in on the fun!

Quote of the Day:
“You do not have to make your children into wonderful people. You just have to remind them that they are wonderful people. If you do this consistently from the day they are born, they will believe it easily”
. -William Martin.

Happy Mother’s Day!💝🌺🌸🌷🌹💐

Bless our Mother’s on this beautiful day!

Happy Mother’s Day! 💙🦅💛 Have a blessed day!

Quote of the Day:
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us” J.R.R. Tolkien