Congratulations Mrs. Adams for being nominated as a Columbia School District Hero! Thank you for all you do for our students! Read more: https://pamcampbellssoup.blogspot.com/2021/05/mrs-melissa-adams-columbia-hero.html .

Register today for the Fun in the Sun Camps at Columbia Fitness Center!

Quote of the Day:
“There is an emphasis on doing things right rather on doing the right things.”
--Thomas Sergiovanni

Congratulations to Columbia's jr. high robotics team, Nerds United 13748. Just two weeks ago they submitted the highest scoring run at their regionals competition, received the Innovate Award, and qualified for the State competition that took place this week...while most of them were traveling to Washington DC on their school fieldtrip. Not to be left out, they quickly recorded and scored their six competition runs before leaving and left their fates in the hands of their lone remaining teammate, Joe.
We're proud to announce that Nerds United received the Collins Aerospace Innovate Award, at the competition which hosted the best 52 teams in Michigan FTC robotics, for their turret design and target-locking, vision processing system.
Congratulations Nerds United!
Click the following links to see:
Control Award Submission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZIDNVEUF8A&t=4s
246 Point Run, our best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC9J31-dc1w

Is your K-8th grader interested in foreign language, robotics, art? These opportunities are just a few of the many options that are offered at the Columbia Summer Camp program. Each session is only $5! https://www.myeagles.org/article/456788?org=columbia-school-district

Columbia Central Jr High trip to Washington DC!💙🦅💛

Quote of the Day:

Mrs. Aguilera’s class has been talking about the weather for the past two months. This week, they wrote about what they would like to rain down. They watched “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” while they made food cloud mobiles! Learning is Fun!!!
🍕 🍰 🌮🍟🥪🥗🍝🍪🍩🍿🍫🍭🧁🥞🥖🍔🍓🍇🍎🍒🍞🍳

Quote of the Day:
“Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command.” - Napoleon Hill

Mrs. Aguilera’s class was so excited to get some new things to build with thanks to Community Choice Credit Union!

Bus 12 was backed into by a car downtown on Main Street. All students are fine there’s a minimal damage to the bus. The children will be late coming home

Quote of the Day:

Second Grade with Mrs. Sexton!! Legos and volcanos oh my!!! Our day of fun is off to a good start!!

Don’t forget Friday is Blue and Gold Day!💙🦅💛

Is your K-8th grader interested in exploring a foreign language, robotics, art? These opportunities are just a few of the many options that are offered at the Columbia Summer Camp program. Each session is only $5! Register your student today! https://www.myeagles.org/article/456788?org=columbia-school-district

Quote of the Day:
“Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret, or fear.“ - Courtney Toteff

There are spots still open for the Greg Hills Memorial Golf Outing fundraiser! Register today!

Quote of the Day:
Understand your limitations

Quote of the Day:
Follow your heart.❤️