COHS Thought of the Day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Seek respect. Not Attention.
COHS Thought of the Day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Be Yourself. A copy is better than the original.
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it.
Next week is Holiday Spirit Week! Lets have some fun with it! Students who show participation during their Zoom classes will earn bonus points !!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Holiday Spirit Week Days
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Courage is saying I'll try again tomorrow.
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Don't Wait!
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Never give up
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Don't run away from challenges
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Don't give up on something you really want
On behalf of the Columbia Options staff, we would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!    We are thankful for each and every one of our students – they give us all a daily reminder of what is important and why we are here!!!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Happy Thanksgiving!
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
A person who feels appreciated will do more than expected.
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
You decide your happiness..
COHS Thought of the day
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Best success is what you give yourself.
Brooklyn Food Bank Thanksgiving 🦃 Food Distribution is tomorrow, Thursday, November 19 from 10 am to 2 pm behind the Pruitt Insurance Agency at 129 S. Main St, Brooklyn. No preregistration necessary. Meals will be distributed until the supply is exhausted. Enter from Main St.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
CSD will continue to provide meals to all students. Meal pick up will be today, 11/18, at the high school (in the drop off loop in front of the office) from 10am to 11am for all students. Due to the holiday next week, this will be an 8-day meal pickup. The next meal pickup will be on December 2nd.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
COHS gives thanks to all of the brave men and women who have fought and are still fighting to protect our country!! Happy Veteran's Day!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Ben Sumner-- Class of 2017
Kristen Duttry (Jones) COHS Class of 2010
Ben Sumner, Navy, Class of 2017
Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, 9/18/2020, will be a virtual Learn at Home day for all COHS students. All students will need to check their school email accounts for specific directions from each of their teachers. Students will be expected to open each of their Google Classroom courses to complete their required assignments. See everyone on Monday!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Effective immediately, Columbia School District will now be offering free breakfast and lunch to all students in all of our schools including virtual students. This program will run until December 31st, or until USDA funds run out. We will notify families when the program ends. Any money that students have already paid for meals this year will be refunded back to their accounts.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Lunch tray
Reminder: Columbia School District meal pickup for virtual learners is tomorrow from 10 to 11 right in front of the high school office. This is for all distance learners Pk through 12th grade.
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
COHS Thought of the day..
over 4 years ago, Lisa Klink
Always end the day with a positive thought!