Due to poor road conditions, Columbia School District, including child care and the Fitness Center, will be closed on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Stay safe and enjoy the snow day!!
27 days ago, Lisa Klink
snow day
Due to the forecast of inclement winter weather this afternoon, after school hours for Columbia Adult Education and COHS/CVA students are canceled for February 12, 2024.
27 days ago, Lisa Klink
Sara Boone and some of our Columbia Option students lending a helpful hand at the Jackson Interfaith Shelter.
about 1 month ago, Bridget Burnside
Jackson Interfaith Shelter
If you know of anyone that might be interested, our Columbia School District is in need of Bus Drivers! Earn $43.46 per route $500.00 Sign On Bonus, Attendance Bonus, Referral Bonus Paid Training Provided, No Experience Necessary Call (517) 592-6449 Also, if you can please forward this information out to your social media platforms and contacts, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Bridget Burnside
Happy Halloween !!!!! 🎃👻
4 months ago, Bridget Burnside
On Wednesdays we wear pink!!
4 months ago, Bridget Burnside
wear pink
Wear Pink
REMINDER: Picture Re-take Day for all COHS and Virtual Academy Students is October 24 at 12:00
5 months ago, Bridget Burnside
Picture Day
Reminder to all COHS in person students. October 22 will be a learn at home day while our building undergoes some scheduled maintenance. Please call the office if you have any questions. 517-529-9400
5 months ago, Bridget Burnside
COHS students and their teacher Mrs. Sara Boone, spent the day volunteering at the Jackson Interfaith Shelter. They assisted in their daycare, cleaned vacant apartments, and served lunch.
5 months ago, Lisa Klink
Group  picture
serving lunch
having fun
serving lunch
Lunch at Interfaith
📆 COHS and Virtual Academy Parent Teacher Conferences are October 9th and 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Call the office to schedule 517-529-9400 ☎
5 months ago, Bridget Burnside
Columbia Options High School and Virtual Academy Parent Teacher Conferences October 9th and 10th 5:00 to 7:00 pm Please call the office to schedule a time 517-529-9400 📅
6 months ago, Bridget Burnside
Our Earth Science students got out of the classroom today to participate in a Metric System Scavenger Hunt. From measuring how tall some things are to how deep some things are, students always enjoy hands on learning at COHS.
6 months ago, Lisa Klink
Metric system scavenger hunt
metric system scavenger hunt
Metric system measuring
Today in Mrs. Boone's Modern Popular Cultures class, students practiced real life skills by cooking chicken quesadillas and garlic bread.
6 months ago, Lisa Klink
Cooking in Lifeskills
Columbia Options Picture Day is September 3rd at 8:00 am. Forms are available at school or visit schoolpictures.com and use code AB4803Fall24
7 months ago, Bridget Burnside
Picture Day
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat and classroom announcements in the Columbia School District app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features. Download for Android http://bit.ly/googlecolumbia Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3oRWjgQ
9 months ago, Monika Cook
Rooms Marketing
REMINDER: ALL Columbia Option, Virtual Academy, and Adult Education students MUST return their school Chrome Books or laptops by the end of this week. Please call the office at 517-529-9400 if you have questions or to make arrangements.
9 months ago, Lisa Klink
IMPORTANT REMINDER! All online coursework must be finished by Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. No exceptions.... If you have any issues, please contact the teacher of your classes. Thank you!
9 months ago, Lisa Klink
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat in the Columbia School District app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Download for Android http://bit.ly/googlecolumbia Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3oRWjgQ
10 months ago, Monika Cook
roomsmarketing materials
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android http://bit.ly/googlecolumbia Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3oRWjgQ
10 months ago, Monika Cook
Congratulations to seniors Jayden and Eli!! They both received Student of the Month in their individual programs at the Career Center.
10 months ago, Bridget Burnside
Career Center Students of the Month