Congratulations to Quentin Dickerson, he placed in the top 10 of 92 earning a medal and set a new Jr. High School record today! Congratulations to Sam Griffin for also beating the old school record and to Avery Haynes, Maisey Toteff, and Gabby Gaydosh for all placing in the girls top 10. Maisey placed 8th out of 92 with a PR of 13.54. Excellent job and additional PR’s set by some of the other runners on both the boys and girls team. Way to go CC Eagles XC 💙🦅💛
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Cross Country
cross country
cross country
CCHS Pink Block Out for Brantley game!💙🦅💛👏🏐 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations to the new National Honor Society members!
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia School District has been given the all clear to release the students! 💙🦅💛 buses are at the high school, high school students will load on the buses, then they will proceed to the elementary. Students will be running about 45 to 50 minutes late getting home on the bus.
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
No Columbia elementary students will be released at this time until the police clear the elementary children to leave.
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia School District Elementary Schools are in a soft lockdown due to an incident in town. No busses will be sent to the elementary until we are cleared by police.
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
At Columbia Elementary School Mrs. Phelps is talking about spreading Kindness! She is reading the Pout Pout Fish and Bully Bully Shark to a kindergarten class!
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Everything happens for a reason. 🌻One day you will connect all the dots and realize that everything you went through was part of your purpose.” - Roger Lee #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
sunflower 🌻
sunflowers 🌻
sunflower 🌻
Quote of the Day: "Life happens between an inhale and an exhale!" - Brianna #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
It’s that time of year again when trunks are filled with treats, families and the community come together, and good times are had by all! If you, your business or service group would like to participate or donate to Columbia School District's annual Trunk or Treat, please contact or for more information.
over 2 years ago, Monika Cook
Trunk or Treat flyer for 2022
We all face difficulties & it's completely normal to feel anxious, isolated or overwhelmed. Small steps can help improve mental health: exercise 🏃 mindfulness 🧘‍♀️ healthy foods 🥗 adequate sleep 😴 -United Nations @UN Monday is #WorldMentalHealthDay.
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💛🦅💙 Let’s work as a team!
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
CCHS: The Leadership class and Hope Run Committee is hosting Cancer Awareness Week this week in collaboration with the Block Out for Brantley event on Tuesday. Donate $10 or more, and wear a hat this week. Each morning donate and get a pink wrist band to wear your hat.
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Cancer Awareness Week
The need for substitute teachers is a dire situation. Columbia School District needs the support of individuals who have completed at least 60 College credits to become substitutes. Substitute teachers ease the burden on building teams. Registration: .
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛Do something great today!
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Do something good today
Brooklyn Kiwanis Club Arts and Craft Fair! Join in the fun and find great seasonal items! October 29th from 9 am to 3 pm!
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Arts an Craft fair
Jackson Magazine is accepting nominations for the 2023 Top Teacher Award. Do you know a teacher who is making a difference in the lives of their students? Show your appreciation, and nominate them for the Top Teacher Awards! Each year Jackson Magazine recognizes deserving K-12 Jackson County teachers. The deadline for nominations is October 15, 2022, by 4 pm. Visit to nominate a teacher today!
over 2 years ago, Monika Cook
Top Teacher Nomination
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 Advice from a Sunflower 🌻: Be Bright, Sunny. And Positive! Spread the Seeds of Happiness! Rise, Shine and Hold Your Head High! - Sheila Beck #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
sunflower 🌻
sunflower 🌻
Quote of the Day: 💛🦅💙 “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” - Amit Parmessur #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
over 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell