Trunk or Treat begins at 3 pm today!🎃💀👻🤡
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Trunk or Treat!🎃👻
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia Trunk or Treat is today from 3 to 5 pm! The Trunk or Treat will be on the south end of CCHS. Please observe the cones.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Join in the fun! Columbia School District Trunk or Treat at CCHS from 3 to 5 pm!💛🦅💙
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
trunk or Treat
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “3 things you can’t recover in life: 1. The word after it said. 2. The moment after it’s missed. 3. The time after it’s gone.” - Mike McClure
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
As we wrap up the month of October, we pause to appreciate our Columbia School District principals one more time! Thank you to our Principals for everything they do! They are EPIC! E-Essential P-Phenomenal I-Inspiring and C-Courageous!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
thank you
Trunk or Treat is on Sunday, October 30, from 3 to 5 pm! Join us for lots of family fun! There will be more than 50 trunks on site, free donuts and cider, and photo opportunities. We have also invited food trucks this year.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is this Sunday from 3:00-5:00 p.m.! We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Monika Cook
Trunk or Treat flyer for 2022
S - See your goal U - Understand the obstacles C - Create a positive mental picture C - Clear your mind of self-doubt E - Embrace all challenges S - Sacrifice free time S - Show the world you can do it F - Feed your focus U - Utilize all opportunities L - Learn from all failures
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Cast a vote for Athlete of the Week! CCHS Golden Eagle 💛🦅💙 Senior Ava Lyke is up for Athlete if the Week!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💛🦅💙 Get comfortable!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 Be the Sunshine 🌞!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
be sunshine !
Your children are probably thinking about Halloween! This is a time for our children to feel excited about dressing up in costumes. Please practice safety. Learn more:
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Halloween Safety Month
Congratulations to our 💙🦅💛 Columbia Central High School Trap Team participants who have shot a 25 out of 25! These students are: Garret Watkins, Kasey Jordan, Trevor Jordan, Greyson Agnello, Patrick Spink, Kody Wipp and Joe Willaert.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Trap team
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “When you exercise your imagination, you rely less on memory. Memory ties you to your limits, to your past. Imagination points you to the potential and the future. 💫” -Jeff Wolf
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
👉A fabulous afternoon yesterday at Columbia Upper Elementary School Girls on the M.O.V.E. primary mission and purpose building program!The girls were impressive and their mission statements were powerful!🙌 👏They LOVED our fantastic Zumba with Rosa as always-movement-an exceptional behavior!!!💕🙌 👏 Thank you Rosa!🙌 💕Our newest “Role Model Mentor” was Makenna Denney. She was a big help (thank you!!!) and she has attended several past sessions and is now in Junior High! !🙌💕 👉To compliment Columbia School District’s “Kindness Theme”💕 🙌 we also focused on “Kindness” with a special “I am Kind” affirmation statement to be followed up with a KINDNESS CELEBRATION 🎉🙌🎉 (scheduled for December 1st-our next program date)! Girls will track their small acts of kindness and bring their list to share and we’ll celebrate!!!💕🎉💕 Thank you to CUES and Columbia Schools 🙌👏🙌 for our books “Take 5 for Your Dreams” and for our mission statement locker mirrors! And for all of your support! - Suzanne Jones
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
girls on the move
Girls on the move
girls on the move
Girls on the move
Congratulations to CCHS Assistant Principal Mr. Cushman for being the recipient of the Superintendent’s Award! He was given the award for using the lifesaving Heimlich maneuver on student Dean Caryl. He is pictured here with Dean and his family.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
thank you
thank you
On Tuesday, November 8th Columbia School District will have an operating millage proposal on the ballot. The proposal will allow the Columbia School District to continue to levy the statutory rate of not exceed 18 mills for non-homestead property tax. Please remember that this renewal does not apply to a Michigan principal residence (your principal home) or qualified agricultural property. Passage of this operating millage proposal is required for Columbia School District to receive the full $9,150 per pupil foundation allowance, which funds the education of our students.
about 2 years ago, Monika Cook
Headlee Millage Informational flyer.
Trunk or Treat is only a few days away! Join us for lots of family fun! There will be more than 50 trunks on site, free donuts and cider, and photo opportunities. We have also invited food trucks this year. Kona Ice, a Coffee Truck, and Elephant Ears will be available!
about 2 years ago, Monika Cook
Trunk or Treat flyer for 2022
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Follow these three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for all your actions.” - Dalai Lama #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
follow the three R’s