Save the Date! Columbia Athletic Boosters Cash Bash February 25th! Buy your ticket at the Admin office or from a member of the Boosters!
Don’t forget to move your clocks back 1 hour on Sunday, November 6th!
Join our team! Visit for more information!
💙🦅💛 MEETING DATE CHANGE: The next CC Athletic Booster meeting is today, Tuesday, November 1st at 6pm in the High School Library due to Volleyball Districts! We will be reviewing Winter Concessions, Volunteers, and the Cash Bash! Hope to see you there!
Support the Brooklyn area food pantry by attending the Irish Hills Roots and String Music Series! Call for seating reservation 517.467.4700.
Quote of the Day:
“Doing little things we’ll, enables one to do big things better.” - Johnna Baker
💙🦅💛👏🏈 Congratulations Alan! Golden Eagles!
Columbia School District Trunk or Treat was a huge Success! Thanks to all 63 companies, churches, families and School trunks that participated! There were approximately 1000 kids and over 3000 people!
Thanks to Elephant Ear Food truck, The Rollin Hoagies, The Coffee Grind Coffee, Kona Ice, April Messer Photography and MMDJ Joel Gresham for joining us this year and offering great music, food, drinks and pictures! Thanks to all the parents and families who brought their kiddos! A big to Amanda Bamm, Monika LeForge Cook and Leadership students for all their work!
Quote of the Day:
Do your best!
Have a fun, safe and Happy Halloween 👻 🎃 from your Columbia School District family!💙🦅💛
Quote of the Day:
“Count your blessings, and be thankful.
Have a great day!” - Dr Jerry Fowler
Great community supporting students in the Columbia School District! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle
Fabulous trunks filled with candy greeted our children!💙🦅💛🎃
Columbia School District has a great community that supports our children!💙🦅💛🎃
Best Trunk or Treat ever!!! Columbia School District! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle
Great day today for Trunk or Treat! Thanks to all the groups who made it possible!
Congratulations Golden Eagles! 💙🦅💛 The Columbia Central Clays finished their season #1 in the conference!
Quote of the Day:
“Don't let someone else tell you that you can't succeed and for heavens sake, never tell that to yourself.” - Steve Keating
Let’s go Golden Eagles 🦅! Columbia Trunk or Treat!
Trunk or Treat!