Quote of the Day:
“Life is to short to waste on negativity.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
2023 Golden Eagles Baseball/Softball registrations are open! Please use this link to register your child: https://forms.gle/QiJcrkimMsAtqQie9
Contact Brad Slusher at 517-592-3393 or brad.slusher@myeagles.org for more information.
💙🦅💛Columbia Girls Basketball Team working together over Christmas break! https://jtv.tv/tecumseh-vs-columbia-central-girls-basketball-1-3-23-photo-gallery/?fbclid=IwAR3jjpwu6P6v2CbGYqMHAPig-ScGtE4EKVI6PXS2Fsm5AgVWfoZl_TDKmx4&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
Support the Brooklyn area food pantry by attending the Irish Hills Roots and String Music Series! Call for seating reservation 517.467.4700.
Word of the Day:
Gesticulate (verb): gestures, especially dramatic, ones, instead of speaking, to emphasize one’s words.” Example: “They were shouting and gesticulating, frantically at drivers who did not slow down.”
Quote of the Day:
“Be the reason someone smiles today.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
Word of the Day:
Delegate (noun): “A person acting for another.” Example: “She was a delegate to the convention.”
Delegate: (verb): “to entrust one another, to assign responsibility or authority.” Example: “A good manager knows how to delegate.”
Quote of the Day:
“Life gets hard sometimes but you just have to ride the waves and get back on the board when you fall off!❤️❤️ Life is what we make it! #thistooshallpass is the saying that helps me!” - Elizabeth Cline
Word of the Day:
Mayhap (adjective): “Old fashioned way of saying perhaps or possibly.” Example: “Mayhap I could see you again next week.” - ClickonDetroit
Quote of the Day:
“Inspiration + Inclination = Motivation “ - Tom Matt
Word of the Day:
Amortization (noun): “ the action, or process of reducing or paying off a debt with regular payments.” Example: “Because of amortization you will on your home by the end of the term.” - ClickonDetroit
Quote of the Day:
“When you succeed, be generous
When you fail, be compassionate
When you win, be humble
When you are scared, be thoughtful
When you are beaten, be modest”
~@LollyDaskal #Leadership #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Quote of the Day:
"Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer." - Motivational Quotes
Word of the Day:
Concoct (verb) - “create or devise a story or plan.” Example: “They concocted a preposterous but entertaining story.” -ClickonDetroit
Quote of the Day:
“𝙇ose the excuses
𝙀xcel in your role
𝘼lways be on time
𝘿isplay a good attitude
𝙀ncourage team members
𝙍emain committed & focused
𝙎upply effort & energy
𝙃elp & serve others
𝙄mprove & be coachable
𝙋repare to win”
Word of the Day:
Vivacious (adjective) - “attractively lively and animated typically used to describe a woman.” Example: “The performer was just as vivacious in person as she was on the big stage.”
Quote of the Day:
L = loyalty
E = engagement
A = authenticity
D = dedication
E = empathy
R = respect
S = servanthood
H = humility
I = integrity
P = perseverance”
~@LollyDaskal #Leadership #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Quote of the Day:
“There Is No Key To Happiness The Door Is Always Open.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
Word of the Day:
Velleity (noun): “a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead into action.”
Example: “The notion intrigued me, but remained a Velleity.” - Click on Detroit
Quote of the Day:
“PLAYERS: If you are the most talented player on your team, you should also be hardest worker on the team. Lead by example. Set the standard. Be the standard.” - Jamy Bechler