Word of the Day:
Precocious (adjective): “having or showing mature qualities at an unusually early age.” Example: “She was a precocious child who could read before she started school.” - Merriam-Webster- Webster Dictionary
Quote of the Day:
“A failure isn’t a failure if it prepares you for tomorrow.” - Loko Jones
Save the Date! Support Jackson County Special Education programs! January 12!
Save the Date! 💙🦅💛 The Columbia Athletic Boosters are holding a Cash Bash on Saturday, February 25th! There are only 30 tickets left! Purchase a ticket at the Admin Office or CCHS office!
Word of the Day:
Empathy (noun): “the ability to understand, or share feelings of another.” Example: He has a total lack of empathy for anyone else.” - Oxford Languages
Quote of the Day:
“Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
Word of the Day:
Ascetic “simple and restrained in appearance, manner or attitude.” Example: “She left the comforts of home to live the life of an ascetic.”
Quote of the Day:
“Appreciate a good friend, never take them for granted.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
Word of the Day:
Paragon (noun): “a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.” Example: “It would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel viciously jealous.” - Oxford Languages online
💛🦅💙👏Columbia Central Varsity Cheer ! Competition at Leslie today! Best wishes!
Congratulations to Columbia Central senior Hope Wilkes who will attend Sienna Heights University in the Fall and run for their Cross Country team! 💛🦅💙Way to go, Hope! We are so proud of your hard work and success Best of luck at Sienna Heights!
💙🦅💛🏀Amazing basketball at CCHS and CUES! Our fabulous volunteers are making a difference in the lives of our students! The tournament is today and tomorrow!
Try this unique idea!
The Red Wings Teacher of the Month program is back!
Help us show appreciation for Michigan's teachers by nominating an amazing K-12 educator! Each winner will receive a $1,500 grant, tickets to a #RedWings game + more!
Details & to nominate: detroitredwings.com/teacher
Welcome back to Columbia School District! After a nice break, we welcome our fabulous students back!💙🦅💛
💛🦅💙⚾️🥎Get registered! Columbia Golden Eagles Baseball & Softball registration! https://www.facebook.com/101856105596966/posts/pfbid02DAo1psukBSFCEMVis1TBUEmkW472vuUU47SQMi6SNPne1Ly448DdpkzcXBsRQgfjl/?mibextid=cr9u03
Quote of the Day:
“You were born an original. Don’t be a copy.
You are amazing. Remember that.” - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank
Save the Date! 💙🦅💛 The Columbia Athletic Boosters are holding a Cash Bash on Saturday, February 25th! There are only 30 tickets left! Purchase a ticket at the Admin Office or CCHS office!
💙🦅💛🏀 Do you like watching basketball? There will be a huge tournament at CCHS and CUES this weekend. All proceeds benefit Columbia Youth Basketball!🏀
💙🦅💛👏Students are working hard during the Christmas Break! Many teams are practicing!