Columbia Students and Staff! Have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break!🌞😎🏖🏝

Awesome footage of Columbia Central High School Robotics Team! 💛💙🦅⚙️Slide to the last hour of footage to see their win! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=igr1h0KrKyA #GoldenGears

Columbia Upper Elementary is focused on improving the health and fitness of their students. This video was developed for a fitness grant. Let's hope CUES gets the grant! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6XIAF0nBQY&t=95s

Columbia Central There will be a parent meeting tonight at 6 PM for any 9th/10th grade student interested in attending Jackson County Early College.

Congratulations! The CCHS 💛💙🦅Robotics Team, the Golden Gears ⚙️ won first place and are going to the State Tournament on April 10!

The CCHS Golden Eagles 🦅 Golden Gears won!! #Robotics

Congratulations to 💛💙🦅⚽️Girls Soccer ⚽️! Girl soccer won both games today. Beat jonesville 2 -0 and then beat Dansville 1 - 0!

Congratulations!! The CCHS Golden Eagles 🦅 Golden Gears ⚙️ are on to the Final Round!!⚙️🦅💙💛

The CCHS 💛💙🦅⚙️Robotics Team is continuing its winning ways! #GoldenGears #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

CCHS Robotics are competing today at Northwest High School. The event is free. Please come out to support them! rmd.me/WmcaIlwXX3i

Quote of the Day:

Congratulations to the Golden Eagles 🦅 Robotics team! In the First game in quarter finals their alliance set a point record of 94 points!!!!!! They are on to the Semifinals! 💛💙🦅 #GoldenGears #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

CCHS students Congratulations! 💛💙🦅 CEO Challenge- Holly, Riley and Emma made the final 5!

Congratulations to the Golden Eagles 🦅 Golden ⚙️ Gears Robotics Team! They are in the Quarter Finals!!

Quote of the Day:

Columbia Central 💛💙🦅 There will be a parent meeting on Monday, 6 PM, for any 9th or 10th grade student interesting in attending Jackson County Early College. #EarnCollegeCreditsForFree #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Columbia Central There is NO Saturday School tomorrow, March 23. The next session will be held April 13.

Check out this week's district newsletter: https://www.smore.com/38j17-eagle-s-nest

Congratulations to Mr. Akers and our 💙💛🦅 Columbia Central JH Choir on earning a 97 and qualifying for the State Choir Festival! They had a near perfect score in sight reading!

The Second Annual Golden Eagles 🦅 Softball and Baseball Zumba Glow Fundraiser is tomorrow, Friday, March 22 from 6 to 8 pm at the Columbia Community Fitness Center. All proceeds will benefit the program.