CUES: We have had THE best time on our field trip! 💙💛Thank you to Barnes & Noble for being so accommodating, to Brooklyn Kiwanis for their generosity, and special thanks to our chaperones for making this a safe and special day! #cuesproud #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

CP Federal Credit Union partners with Columbia School District and our students! Invest! It's your future. Picture it. Save for it. Share it.
We are celebrating Youth Month all April with a giveaway!
Like, Comment with a GIF, share.
Click here for details https://www.cpfederal.com/about-us/news-events.html

Columbia Central Jostens will be delivering graduation announcements on April 18. Caps & gowns are provided at graduation practice.

Columbia Central On Monday morning, 8th grade students will be taking the Social Studies M-Step assessment. Have a nice weekend!

Music Trip 2019
Field Museum, Museum of Natural History, and Medieval Times today!

Enjoy this week's edition of the Eagle's Nest district newsletter! https://www.smore.com/a2z0u-eagle-s-nest

Enjoy Oliver and support the Jackson Autism Support Network!

Best wishes to Mrs. O’Neil as she goes to Boston to run 🏃🏻♀️ in the Boston Marathon this weekend!!💙💛🦅🏃🏻♀️

Quote of the Day:
Well done is better than well said." -Benjamin Franklin
#mood #actionsspeaklouder
"The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions."
#wisdom #lifelessons

Quote of the Day:
Life comes at you fast, and nobody is 💯 ready. Like hopping on stones across a river. It's fun to bounce from rock to rock, until the next one seems a bit too far. We stop because we don't want to miss the stone; we don't want anyone to see us get wet 💦 or be embarrassed 😳 or hurt. So instead, we look for anything to land on except that far stone saying:
👉 "the timing ⏳ isn't right"
👉"I need to save 💲 up more"
👉"this wasn't what I planned 🗓️"
Success doesn't come from comfortable hops across the river of life. It comes from years of boring small jumps and more often than not...scary giant leaps of faith. 🏃🏻♀️🙌 #livefearlessly #personalgrowth #success - Lydia Smoot

Get ready to cheer our 💙💛🦅⚙️ CCHS Robotics Team on to victory! Read about the importance of robotics! https://www.firstinspires.org/community/inspire/why-every-community-needs-youth-robotics-teams

Columbia Central Seniors-Now is the time to bring in your baby and senior photos for the Senior video. Email to Mrs. O'Neil or bring to the office.

Columbia Central Good luck to the 🦅💛CCHS Track Team competing at home tonight! The home tennis match has been canceled.

Quote of the Day:
“Why do they call it a ‘neighborhood.’ I get the ‘neighbor’ part, but why ‘hood’? Maybe because neighbors have your back like a hood does. Like a hood covers you when it’s raining, and neighbors are there to help when bad things happen.” - Sydney (Elementary student)

Columbia Central Students: The Jackson County Early College Fall enrollment deadline for all materials and the on-line application is May 1.

Columbia Central 11 grade will continue testing tomorrow beginning at 8 AM. Free breakfast from 7:30-7:55 AM. Regular class schedule will follow.

Get involved in our community! Join in the fun with the Brooklyn Kiwanis Club at Jerry’s Pub & Restaurant on Saturday, April 13th at 11:30 am for Quarter a Quarter luncheon. Your donation of $25 each will help support Aware, Inc. And Preemie Pals.

Welcome back to Columbia 🦅💙💛School District! We hope you had a wonderful break! See you all tomorrow! Your teachers and principals are excited to see you at school!

Columbia Options High School/Adult Education Graduation Ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2019 from 5pm - 9pm in the Columbia Central High School Auditorium.

Check out this week's edition of the Eagle's Nest district newsletter: https://www.smore.com/zw5kp-eagle-s-nest