Quote of the Day:

Congratulation to Tommy Strudevant for qualifying for the individual state wrestling meet. He will wrestle next Friday.💛🦅💙👏

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how well you do it.” - Sherry Hynes

From Coach Hall and Raab: Congratulations to Izzi Green today for a great performance at the MHSAA State Finals in Jackson. It was a tough field of 60 and throughout the day she flirted with the top 16. At one point she was as high as 19th place just 13 from the cut line of 16th. In the end game 6 was tough filled with some tough breaks and bad splits. A 40th place finish made your coaches proud. You join an elite fraternity of Golden Eagle bowlers that have made the state finals and you held your own among some of the best in the state.
Great job Izzi!!

Our LEGO League team 22229 Columbia Coders won second place in the Robot Design Award in the Michigan FIRST LEGO League Challenge Championship today!!!!

Congratulations Izzy! 💙🦅💛🎳 Izzi’s Game #6 = 128
Finishing the block of 6-games with a total of = 969.

The MHSAA Bowling finals are getting started this morning at Jax60, in Jackson. Izzi Green’s starting lane is #53, and she is ready to go! Good Luck Izzi!!! 💙🦅🎳💛💙💛💕

Results following game #3;
1st place is 622
16th is 530
Izzi is at 518, 12 pins below the cut.

Way to go! Izzi’s Game #1 = 189, Highest game bowled of the 12 lanes surrounding her!💙🦅💛🎳👏

Quote of the Day:

Great story about Chad Dermyer, The CCHS Soccer Field is named in his memory! https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/remembering-a-life-of-love-and-service-the-chad-dermyer-story-2021-03-26?fbclid=IwAR3O6mRzkLhxMGmRilUVBBn0oiigYYunBNQs-yDIEFypsoHc0t3hEG69eO4

Mrs. Jenness’s class! Thank you Mrs. Roe for sharing Mudge with us today. Mudge is a 10 year old female Tortoise and weighs about 15 pounds . Mudge was very patient as we all took turns checking out her shell and feet. It was super fun watching her crawl to get her lettuce!

From Mrs. Hogle! So proud of these readers! Our class had the most AR points (640) in the 2nd grade. Way to go Super 2nd graders! You make my heart happy.

Quote of the Day:

Congratulations CES students! We held our at-school zoom assembly today and drew names for our big prizes. All students who met their goals are going home with a beach pail of prizes. We are so proud of our hard-working Little Eagles!

Congratulations CUES staff person Ryan! We are so proud of you Ryan Schatzle! Congratulations to you, the army is lucky to have you! You will be greatly missed.
You will overcome a lot of challenges, but we know you are very capable and will do amazing things in your future! 💙🦅💛

💙🦅💛🏀👏More from our District Champs! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=69WUdxdiZsQ

Congratulations lady Golden Eagles! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uZwxtw_gDR4&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1XaZ472AxGMrgLpXU264mf2EkC6PlVKxvRuNkqGRks6MrahbLy5gtfErI

Junior High track practice will begin Monday, April 5th from 3:00-4:30 pm at the high school track. Dress for cold weather (sweats, hoodies, running shoes, etc). Bring a mask and water! You must have a physical on file to participate.
Until then, be sure you are getting some miles in over Spring Break! See you on the infield on Monday, April 5th!
Contact coach Meschke for the Google Classroom code if you haven't already joined the classroom at Brian.Meschke@myeagles.org.

Quote of the Day: