Quote of the Day:
💙🦅💛 If you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, look at what is in your circle of influence. Many times we have anxiety or stress because we are trying to take responsibility over things we cannot control. Life is 10% what happens to us, & 90% how react to it- and knowing what is our our responsibility is important. Put your focus in the right places today.

Columbia Central plays against Grass Lake on Monday at Ypsilanti Lincoln High School .💛🦅💙🏀

Columbia School District students will return to school on Monday, April 5th. Parents, please monitor your children's health. If your child is showing signs of illness, please refrain from sending them to school.
Thank you for protecting our community of learners.

The goal of revising the 💙🦅💛 Columbia Strategic Plan is to bring all of our hopes, dreams and creative thoughts and plans under one umbrella! The cohesive nature of Columbia School District working together alongside of the community is what makes it so great!

Congratulations to the Golden Eagles 🦅 lady basketball team! They won Regionals 47-24!💙🦅💛🏀👏

Congratulations lady Golden Eagles!💛🦅💙🏀 WON REGIONALS 47-24🎉🎊

In a combined effort, Henry Ford Allegiance Health and the Jackson County Health Department are happy to provide the opportunity for Columbia School District students 16 and older to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. The student vaccination clinic will take place on Thursday, April 8, 2021. The deadline to register is March 31, 2021, 8:00 p.m. Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KITtr-G34-wP_V8hgPxgjKWcpbUys9tQWCtNLbsM6k4/edit

Quote of the Day:
Follow your heart it leads you to peace.

From the Facebook group bowling friends in Jackson, a long message for our students who may want to be bowlers in high school:🎳🎳🎳
I know there are a few High School student athlete bowlers in this group, so I just wanted to share a couple of thoughts.
Now that your season is over, take some time to reflect on yours & your teams season. Did you perform the way you wanted too? Was your school as successful as you anticipated? Did you improve individually and as a team player? Most importantly, DID YOU HAVE FUN?!?! Reflect a bit. Take some time to truly think about your season. As much bowling as you have done over the past couple of months, you understandably need a break. Take a couple of weeks off. Clear your mind. Let your body & mind decompress. Keep yourself from getting burned out. Then, come back and start bowling again!!!! Don't wait until September/October to pick up your bowling ball again. Come out and practice at least every other week through the summer. Even if it's just a game or two. Don't let your game get stale.
Plus, the bowling center that has supported you & your team during your season could use the business. Summers are a challenge for every center. With last years shutdown(s), it is important to support those who have supported you. Once we get closer to the season, go to the pro shop of your choice and have your grip analyzed. Our bodies are constantly changing. Even more so in your teenage years. It is very important to have the proper fit in your bowling ball. I know most of the pro shops in the area try and help High School student athletes out with reduced prices on maintenance and refitting. This way, you may be a step or two ahead of your competition. Whether it be for a spot on your High School team, or an opposing High School. But the most important thing to remember about any sport you participate in, have fun!!

It's a great day to become a Little Eagle!

Columbia School District Schools of Choice open enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year has begun.

Quote of the Day:
💛🦅💙 “Compassion is an awareness that you become, rather than something that you do on occasion.”
~ Gregg Braden

Congratulations lady Golden Eagles! They defeated Homer 65 to 18!🦅💛🏀👏

Congratulations! CCHS 🏀💛🦅💙girls are up 45-1 over Homer at the half💙💛🎊🎉🙌🏼

The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act, signed into law in 2017, designates March 29 of each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
Thank you to all our Vietnam Veterans for your service to a grateful nation. #VietnamVeteransDay

Congratulations to Columbia Central alumni who are representing CCHS as College Athletes!💛🦅💙👏

More Columbia Central Alumni representing CCHS as College Athletes!💛🦅💙👏

Congratulations to our Columbia Central Alumni who are representing our district as College Athletes!👏💙🦅💛

Great Start Readiness Program for the 2021-2022 School Year
The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is Michigan's state-funded free preschool program for four-year-old children. Families can qualify when factors exist in their lives that may place a child at educational risk. The link below will take you to the GSRP interest form to begin the process of registering your preschooler.