CCHS 💙🦅💛 Career Center students are not able to attend the Career Center classes while Columbia Central is closed on Friday and Monday. Your teachers will make accommodations for your absence.

💙🦅💛 Columbia Upper Elementary Sixth graders experience science in Mr. Williams class!

Columbia School District is canceling school for tomorrow, Friday, November 12 and Monday, November 15 due to the number of students in the district who are quarantined or have tested positive for COVID. If you have questions, please email ReturnToLearn@myeagles.org .

Please join us for the Good Luck Send Off Parade in downtown Brooklyn at 5 PM for our CC Girls Volleyball team! We will line the streets on the west side of the road to cheer, honk and yell as they drive by headed out to Sandcreek for the regional finals. These girls have worked so hard all season to compile a 40-5-3 record, made history by wining back to back district championships, and a 2nd trip to Regional finals. Let’s get out there and support these hard working Lady Eagles! Game begins at 7 PM!

Tickets for tonight's Regional Final Volleyball game can be purchased at the link below. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door.

💙❤️🇺🇸Thank you to all those who served our country both here and abroad. On this Veterans Day we are sharing the following video of celebration! 🇺🇸

Quote of the Day:
Three signs of a good friend:
1. You do not have to perform for them.
2. They hold space for you during times of struggles.
3. They are truly happy for your success.
- Yung Pueblo

Columbia Elementary and Upper Elementary students from kindergarten through sixth grade all enjoy taking art!

Quote of the Day:
“It’s the will not the skill.” - Glenn Robbins

💙🦅💛Columbia Elementary students work on learning mathematics!

CES students in Mrs. Sczodronsk’s class work on reading!

Columbia School District 💙🦅💛 first grade teacher Mrs. Thacher works with students on their math.

STEM!💙🦅💛Columbia School District K-6 STEM teacher Samantha McBean creates an environment for learning in her classroom! #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Congratulations to Kate and Jacob! 💙🦅💛👏🏃♂️🏃♀️The Chris Jensen Memorial Run honors the top 30 male and female runners in Jackson County. Kate O’Neil and Jacob Walker were both in the top 15 for this race. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

💛🦅💙Congratulations 👏to Officer Jake Mills, the Columbia School District police liaison received the Superintendent’s Award from Dr. Campbell for his work with our students and his dedication to the community! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Columbia Elementary Preschool 💙🦅💛with Mrs. Edwards and Miss Megan! They worked on learning the letters in their names! #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow

Mrs. Stewart’s preschool class at Columbia Elementary School had a great time today learning and exercising!👏💛🦅💙

💙🦅💛🏐👏Best wishes to our Columbia Central Varsity Volleyball Team! They play in the first game of Regionals tonight at Sand Creek! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Quote of the Day:
“Connections are vital!”

Quote of the Day:
“Life is full of opportunities.” - Gerald Hill