Quote of the Day:
“ Train your mind to see the good in everything.” - Michelle Heidler

Columbia School District is sorry for the inconvenience, bus 6 will be canceled tomorrow due to a shortage of bus drivers. Bus 3 that goes to Meijer will be running tomorrow.

Quote of the Day:

Columbia School District is applying to receive Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) to address learning recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic.
Columbia School District Administration is seeking feedback from all district and community stakeholders to help determine how the district should best utilize these resources. Please let us know your opinions by completing this brief survey by November 23rd. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nHCsLcYUSDv4fJeZJy36MrwHrmNv1dD20nvT20j-N5M/edit

Columbia School District is sorry for the inconvenience, but Bus Route 3 - the Meijer stop- is canceled for tomorrow, Wednesday, November 17th, due to a shortage of drivers.

Columbia! Welcome back after a four day weekend! Please plan for a great day of learning!💙🦅💛

People of good character inspire others to think and act in ways that contribute to their organization and society's well-being.

Columbia School District is reminding our families that if your student has been identified as a close contact, they must wear a mask while at school.

Some of our Columbia School District transportation employees are ill. For Tuesday, November 16th, Route 6 is canceled. Please make alterate arrangements to get your child to school.

Quote of the Day:

The 💛🦅💙Columbia Central 👏👏👏production of “All Together Now” may be viewed today online at 2 pm through the following link: https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/58659

Quote of the Day:
“ do you one thing every day that scares you.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

💙🦅💛👏The production “All Together Now” by the Columbia Central Jr-Sr High School Theater group is terrific! You may watch the production online tomorrow at 2 pm. The link will be posted tomorrow.

In honor of Veterans Day, each of the sixth-grade classes made collaborative posters. The posters were delivered to the American Legion in Brooklyn for our veterans to enjoy. We thank you for your service! 💙🦅💛

Columbia Central link to the Live Stream for the musical Sat. at 7:00 pm. https://www.facebook.com/160733834505983/posts/1015731255672899/?sfnsn=mo

💛🦅💙👏If you are interested in attending the Columbia production, “All Together Now”please wear a mask for the protection of the cast, crew, and other attendees.

Best wishes to our junior high robotics team as they compete today!

Quote of the Day:
“If you are reading this, you are beautiful and worth it!“ - Alicia

Congratulations to the CCHS 🏐 volleyball team! They had a fabulous season, but lost in the Regional finals 3 matches to 2.
They broke records, made history, and Kenadee & Bailey are making it into the MHSAA record books! Super outstanding seasons! 💙🦅💛🏐👏

Love is an act of faith, and whoever
is of little faith is also of little love.
--Erich Fromm