Important to Know

Answers to Your Questions
Columbia Options High School 

What is my 5th term grade for the 2019-2020 academic school year?

Whatever grade the student had as of March 13, 2020, is the grade that the student will receive for the 5th term.

What if I want to improve my 5th term grade?

If a student had a 31% or better in a 5th term course, they will be provided an opportunity to improve their grade.  If a student is interested in improving their grade, he or she must contact their teacher. The teacher will provide coursework and learning activities that are required to improve the grade.  If a student has a 31% or lower in the course, they must make up the 5th term class to earn credit by completing one of the following:

  • Completing an Odysseyware course to recover the lost credit

  • Retake the course next school year. 

  • Seniors will be able to complete a capstone project

How can I keep earning additional credits for this year?

Depending on your interests, all students will have the opportunity to work on a variety of credit recovery activities until the end of the school year. Activities could include: student selected capstone projects, learning packets or Odysseyware courses. 

What if I don’t have a computer and/or Internet?

No worries. You can still keep working. The COHS staff realizes that not everyone has access to technology. Teachers will work with all students to provide a variety of interesting learning and credit recovery options regardless of a student’s technology status. 


If I am a senior, does it mean I automatically graduate?

No. In order to graduate, you must be a senior in good academic standing. Please see below for specific criteria. 

COHS Seniors are considered to be in good academic standing to graduate if:

  • They had at least 22 credits prior to the start of 5th term.

  • They were passing all of their 5th term classes as of March 13, 2020.

  • They have earned credits for each required core subject area course. 

If I am a senior and not in good academic standing, what can I do?

  • Contact your principal and teachers immediately to develop an individualized plan of action which may include a capstone project. 

  • You can recover lost credits either through Odysseyware credit recovery courses, learning packets or via alternative capstone projects arranged with your teachers. 

  • If you are already enrolled in credit recovery classes, you must pass them by May 28, 2020 to be eligible for graduation.

  • All assignments used for credit must be completed and submitted by May 28, 2020.

Will there be a graduation?

The May 28th date for graduation has been cancelled. However, we hope to possibly hold graduation later this summer if it is deemed safe to do so. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

Will we still get caps and gowns?

Caps and gowns are being ordered and will arrive in mid-May. The $50 fee can be paid either by mailing a check to the school or paid at the time of pickup.

What name will appear on my diploma?

When ordering diplomas, we use the name that appears on your birth certificate unless otherwise specified. 

Answers to Your Questions
Columbia Virtual Academy

Do I have to keep working on my classes?

Yes. It is expected that CVA students continue working as usual. 

Can I still get more classes if I finish what I have?

Yes. If you finish all of the classes that are currently assigned to you, we are happy to assign more. We encourage students to work as much as possible.


If I am a CVA senior, does it mean I automatically graduate?

No. In order to graduate, you must be a senior in good academic standing. Please see below for specific criteria. 

CVA Seniors are considered to be in good academic standing to graduate if:

  • They have at least 23.5 credits

  • They have earned credits for each required core subject area course. 

If I am a senior and not in good academic standing, what can I do?

  • Contact your principal and teachers ASAP to develop an individualized plan of action. 

  • You can recover lost credits either through additional Odysseyware credit recovery courses 

  • All courses must be completed by May 28, 2020.

Will there be a graduation?

The May 28th date for graduation has been cancelled. However, we hope to possibly hold graduation later this summer if it is deemed safe to do so. We will provide more information as it becomes available.

Will we still get caps and gowns?

Caps and gowns are being ordered and will arrive in mid-May. The $50 fee can be paid either by mailing a check to the school or paid at the time of pickup.

What name will appear on my diploma?

When ordering diplomas, we use the name that appears on your birth certificate unless otherwise specified.