Update from Columbia School District

The Columbia School District family would like to express our appreciation for the efforts of our students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators and community to quickly adapt to the changes in education during the critical time of distance learning this past spring.  The challenges we faced, we tackled together, collaborating and partnering to assist our students as they learned through the distance learning protocols. 

In our traditional Golden Eagle way, we are committed to successful educational opportunities for our students.  This summer our students may participate in the elementary summer programs as noted on our website, or our credit recovery classes through Columbia Central High School and Columbia Options High School. 

The Columbia School District team is actively planning for this fall.  Our goal is to continue to keep you up-to-date as we focus on the safety, health and well-being of our students in the educational environment.  The Governor’s Return to Learn Task Force will report their recommendations on June 30th.  However, in preparation for any outcome, we are actively planning for three possible scenarios for our return to learning in August.  They are:

1.      In-person, face-to-face instruction with proper precautions and safety measures;

2.      Remote distance learning through the use of technology and other avenues;

3.      A blend of in-person, face-to-face instruction and remote distance learning.

As we continue to plan, we are following the guidance of the Jackson County Health Department, and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Governor’s Return to Learn task force. To the extent that remote distance learning continues to be part of the instructional delivery model, Columbia School District will host a more robust program with dynamic student participation, engagement, and assessment expectations that closely resemble traditional in-person school.

Columbia School District is committed to our families and to maintaining transparency throughout our planning phase. We will continue to keep our Columbia School District community updated as our plans develop. 

Later this week, you will receive a survey from the Columbia School District regarding our distance learning and your plans for this fall.  Please take a few minutes to complete and submit it.  The results will assist us as we continue to plan for our students to return to school in August.

Our kindergarten Open House is scheduled for August 11, 2020 from 5 to 7 pm at Columbia Elementary School.  We are currently accepting registrations online for any grade level or in person at our Administration Building at 11775 Hewitt Road, Brooklyn.  If you have any 

questions regarding our programs or opportunities at Columbia School District, please call your principal, or contact me at Pamela.Campbell@myeagles.org or call 517.592.6641.

Educationally yours,


Pamela Campbell

