October 20, 2020
Good Afternoon,
Thank you to those who were able to attend our Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences. We appreciate the opportunity to connect with you. If you were unable to attend, please feel free to reach out to our teaching staff with any questions.
We will provide academic recovery days throughout the second marking period to give students a chance to make up missing assignments. On Wednesday, October 21, students have the opportunity to hand in missing assignments, excluding tests and quizzes, from September 30-October 20 for full credit. When a student submits a late assignment, they need to send an email to the teacher indicating it has been turned into Google Classroom. We will make students aware of future Wednesday Academic Recovery dates throughout the second marking period.
We have made some adjustments to our hybrid learning schedule on Wednesdays to better serve the needs of our students. In addition, we are adjusting the workload to allow for more time to catch up on missing assignments and connect with teachers for academic support.
Every Wednesday remains a Learning at Home day for all students. However, beginning October 28, students may come to the building to receive extra help from their teachers during the subject specific times below. Teachers will also host online meetings for students who want support via Zoom while remaining at home. During this time, students may ask questions, get timely feedback, interact with teachers and others in the class. The academic support times listed below are not required but strongly recommended if your student needs help in any way.
9:30-10:30 AM-Elective and Foreign Language classes-(Band, Choir, Art, PE, Foreign Language)
10:30-11:30 AM-Social Studies (including Mr. Riedel and Mr. Zaborowski)
10:30-11:30 AM-Special Education
11:30 AM-12:30 PM-Math
12:30-1:30 PM-Science
1:30-2:30 PM-Language Arts, Senior Transitions, Psychology
Individual/group meeting sessions by appointment may be set up by the teacher.
Students or parents will need to email Emily Wallace, emily.wallace@myeagles.org or call (517) 769-8642 by Tuesday at 3 PM if they plan to come to the building for academic support. District transportation can be provided for students who need this and want to attend academic support services. Students who have their own ride may come for the specific subject areas they need help with.
We will continue to monitor our plan to best serve the needs of our students and staff. We will get through time together and appreciate the partnership we share with you.
Christi O'Neil, Principal
Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School
11775 Hewitt Road Brooklyn, Michigan 49230
517-592-6634, Christi.ONeil@myeagles.org
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