Columbia Central Update

Good Afternoon,

I hope you and your family are doing well! 

As we begin our fifth week of remote learning, it will be helpful to review the Continued Learning Plan for Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School.  Students may still engage in classes and work to improve their third quarter grade in any course.    

Please click here for a review of our learning plan-Remote Learning Guidelines

Please review the 7 Tips for Parents.  I have included helpful reminders to share with your child regarding our Continued Learning Plan and information about some exciting community projects.  
Please click here-7 Tips for Parents

Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School Announcements for the week-

Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School Announcements

Student Announcement Video for May 4-    

Student Announcement  Video for May 7-  

Please take care and feel free to reach out with any questions.  Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend!


Christi O'Neil, Principal