Do you have a college degree and wish you had a teaching position? Now is the time! Columbia School District has a top educational program! We are looking for two individuals that have a college degree and are interested in teaching mathematics or science!
New Student Registration is open! Online enrollment is available using this link: If you reside outside of Columbia School District you will need to complete a Schools of Choice application and return it to the appropriate school office.
The volleyball team is raising funds! If you are interested in helping, click the link below:
Quote of the Day:
You are capable of anything!
We're Hiring!
Join our Team!
Date Change: There is a new date for the youth stunt in Tumble clinic: August 18, from 5 to 7 PM in the Columbia Central High School Cafeteria!💙🦅💛
Recall by the consumer Product Safety Commission of the Mama Roo and Rock A Roo Infant Swings:
Quote of the Day:
There is no “I” in TEAM!
Learn about childhood vaccinations!
Quote of the Day:
Chocolate is a salad!
The Columbia Central Golden Eagle 💛🦅💙 Soccer team is the way to Silver Lake after a great first week of preseason training!
Quote of the Day:
“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.” - Mike McClure #gratitude
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thomas Jefferson
Red Friday’s Honor those who Serve and are Deployed. Thank you for your service!
Quote of the Day:
No one is perfect!
Need help? Call 211!
Quote of the Day:
“You have enough people in life against you, don’t be against yourself. Pay attention to what you’re saying. You can’t talk defeat and have victory. You can’t talk lack and have abundance. You can’t talk sickness and have health.” - Joel Osteen
💙🦅💛Congratulations to the 2022 Columbia Educational Foundation Scholarship Recipients. 👏👏👏Over $21,000 in foundation and family scholarships was awarded this year. We are so excited to see what the future holds for all of these amazing Columbia graduates!
Congratulations to Madeline Maki, Cameron Adams, Bailey Surque, Kaley Thivierge, Mia Taylor, Lance Drake, Macie Mullins, Shaylee Peters, Kate O'Neil, Cole Straka, Lindsey Swank, Brianna Batterson, and Emily Fox.
The following scholarships were presented at the Educational Foundation for Columbia Schools annual reception: Mary B. Neely Memorial Scholarship, Kevin Kennedy Memorial Scholarship, Brock Rychener Memorial Scholarship, Rudy T. Sitarz Memorial Scholarship, Jeremy Knickerbocker Scholarship, James R. Swain Memorial Scholarship, VanWinkle Family Scholarship, Robert Elrod Memorial Scholarship, Ann FitzHugh Steinhoff Memorial Scholarship, Rothfuss Family Memorial Scholarships, and Educational Foundation Scholarships.
Congratulations to the members of the 💙🦅💛👏Columbia Education Foundation Board! They received the Superintendent’s Award at the Columbia board meeting! Pictured are Holly Cogan, Wendy Hawkins and Chris Hobart. More information: