Quote of the Day:
“Keep life moving forward, looking backward is only for the travelers.” - Rachel O
It's pizza time! Starting today and for the next 4 weeks, our CCHS Student Senate is selling pizza kits to raise money to do great things such as coordinating events, dances, and activities to promote school spirit. Use the link to place an order today!
Quote of the Day:
“Be someone you would look up to.” -Emily M.
Congratulations to our Little Eagle Ticket Winners this week! 💙🦅💛👏
Great job Little Eagles! Thank you for working hard and being kind!❤️
The Columbia School District Board of Education and the Administration are launching a new initiative to guide the district through a three- to five-year Strategic Plan. The process will include community and staff input events, data collection and other efforts to create a shared vision and goals for the future of the district and strategies to achieve them, all while using scarce public education resources in the most effective and efficient way.
Stakeholder feedback will be an important part of the planning process. Community members, parents, students, teachers and all district staff members will have the opportunity to give input on the strengths of the district, opportunities for improvement, barriers for implementation and their vision for the district. Stakeholders may submit their input through a short five question survey available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r...
Stakeholder input, along with essential district data, provides the basis for the district to choose approximately five priority goals to be implemented over the next three to five years.
The benefits of the strategic planning process are many. Most notable are:
~Provides integrated, important input from community and staff
~Presents a succinct and graphical picture of the district’s current status
~Sets focused strategic goals that identify target areas to improve student achievement
~Clearly delineates the role of the Board of Education and the superintendent/staff in strategic planning
~Uses data to set goals and make important decisions
~Helps identify areas to allocate increasingly scarce resources
~Aligns Board priorities with school improvement processes
Bob Wahr, the Columbia School District Board of Education President stated, “As school board members, we have to make the best decisions in these challenging, changing times. It is essential we use data forecasting and stakeholder input to make decisions and set shared priorities for the future pf our district.”
Debbie Stair, M.N.M.L., Assistant Director of Leadership Development at the Michigan Association of School Boards, will work with Columbia School District for the next three months to complete the strategic plan. Stair said, "Columbia School District and MASB have worked together to design a customized process that ensures broad stakeholder involvement and will result in an effective strategic plan implementation. We look forward to involving the community in this process.”
The Columbia School District Board of Education and the Administration are launching a new initiative to guide the district through a three- to five-year Strategic Plan. The process will include community and staff input events, data collection and other efforts to create a shared vision and goals for the future of the district and strategies to achieve them, all while using scarce public education resources in the most effective and efficient way.
Stakeholder feedback will be an important part of the planning process. Community members, parents, students, teachers and all district staff members will have the opportunity to give input on the strengths of the district, opportunities for improvement, barriers for implementation and their vision for the district. Stakeholders may submit their input through a short five question survey available at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r...
Stakeholder input, along with essential district data, provides the basis for the district to choose approximately five priority goals to be implemented over the next three to five years.
The benefits of the strategic planning process are many. Most notable are:
Provides integrated, important input from community and staff
Presents a succinct and graphical picture of the district’s current status
Sets focused strategic goals that identify target areas to improve student achievement
Clearly delineates the role of the Board of Education and the superintendent/staff in strategic planning
Uses data to set goals and make important decisions
Helps identify areas to allocate increasingly scarce resources
Aligns Board priorities with school improvement processes
Bob Wahr, the Columbia School District Board of Education President stated, “As school board members, we have to make the best decisions in these challenging, changing times. It is essential we use data forecasting and stakeholder input to make decisions and set shared priorities for the future pf our district.”
Debbie Stair, M.N.M.L., Assistant Director of Leadership Development at the Michigan Association of School Boards, will work with for the next three months to complete the strategic plan. Stair said, “ and MASB have worked together to design a customized process that ensures broad stakeholder involvement and will result in an effective strategic plan implementation. We look forward to involving the community in this process.”
Quote of the Day:
“Do your part; control what you can control. Rule your atmosphere, your thoughts, your attitude, your response.” - Joel Osteen
Columbia School District is proud of our teachers, staff and students as we begin a year focusing on excellence and a culture of kindness!
Congratulations to the Columbia Central High School varsity volleyball team on winning the Napoleon Invite. Back to Back Champions! 💛🦅💙🏐👏👏👏
Quote of the Day:
“Time is $$$” - Gerald Hill
Columbia Central High School Golden Eagles defeated Onsted 34 to 20!💛🦅💙🏈👏
Golden Eagles 🦅! With 4:38 left in the game, CCHS 27 to Onsted 14!💛🦅💙🏈👏
With 1:03 to go in the third quarter, CCHS 21 to Onsted 14! 💙🦅💛🏈👏
With 44 seconds left in the first half, CC 14 to Onsted 8.🏈💛🦅💙
Let’s go Golden Eagles!💙🦅💛👏🏈
Best wishes for a great Columbia Central High School varsity football 🏈 game tonight at home versus Onsted! The game begins at 7 pm!💛🦅💙👏🏈
It's that time of year again, when trunks are filled with treats, families and the community come together and good times are had by all! If you, your business or service group would like to participate or donate to Columbia School District's annual Trunk or Treat please contact monika.cook@myeagles.org or amanda.bamm@myeagles.org for more information.
Don’t forget! Friday’s are Blue and Gold days! Wear your Columbia Golden Eagle gear!💙🦅💛 Show your Golden Eagle pride!
Mrs. Lapham’s third grade class had a visit from our amazing CUES counselor, Mrs. Schatzle. She introduced herself and the kids had a great time asking her questions and getting to know her. 💙🦅💛