Interested in giving back to the community? The Salvation Army still needs bell ringers and has various locations where you can assist. Call the Jackson Salvation Army Corp to sign up 5177827185 or go to: .
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Support Kiwanis by purchasing Gourmet Nuts! They are available at the Columbia Community Fitness Center and the Columbia School District Administration Office! They are only $25 and make great presents!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Kiwanis nuts
Columbia School District 💙🦅💛 students and staff members are contributing nonperishable food items for the Brooklyn Food Pantry! The food drive will help support area families who are struggling to provide proper nutrition for their children. #LearningTodatLeadingTomorrow
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Students at 💙🦅💛 Columbia Elementary School are getting ready for a fabulous Christmas!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💛🦅💙 “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” ­­—Maya Angelou
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
💛🦅💙Columbia Elementary School has several different schedules for preschool. Miss Amy’s afternoon preschool combines three and four year old children and runs Monday through Thursday! Register your preschooler today! Visit .
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙💛🦅💛💙 “Coaching, teaching and parenting all come with difficult days... How we handle those days will provide a future path for the young people in our care. Stay strong - stand up against the storms!!” - Tasha Perry #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
The Columbia Central Athletic boosters will be having a meeting tonight at 6pm in the Highschool Library.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💛🦅💙 Live each season to the fullest!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations to Brayden Lape! He placed fifth on The Voice! We are so proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Great game Lady Golden Eagles!💙🦅💛🏀👏
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
See something, say something!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Members of the 💛🦅💙 Columbia Central High School Golden Gears Robotics Team attended the Columbia School Board meeting to talk about their upcoming season. There is still time for high school students to sign up with Mrs. Holbert to participate in robotics.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations to the 💙🦅💛 Columbia Upper Elementary Robotics Teams! Members of the team and Coach Holbert came to the Columbia School Board meeting to talk about their experiences and how their projects worked!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia Options Principal Mrs.Klink and Columbia Central Principal Mrs. O’Neil wore their Brayden Lape T-Shirts to the Columbia Board Meeting last night in support of Brayden. 💙🦅💛Columbia School District is supporting Brayden, who is a finalist on the Voice!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Klink and O’Neil
Congratulations to Garrick Zuver! He was recognized for his outstanding contributions, dedication and hard work during his tenure on the Columbia School District Board of Education. He received the Superintendent’s Award of Excellence at the December Board Meeting.
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations Garrick
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Help Others.”
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Thank you to Columbia Township Police and Fire Departments, Walmart, John and Susan, and the Brooklyn Sportsman’s Club for sponsoring Shop with a Cop!
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
shop with a cop
shop with a cop
Shop with a cop
shop with a cop
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “What we feed grows. What we starve dies. Positivity breeds positivity. Negativity breeds negativity. Success is a Choice. Failure is a Choice. Habits leads to outcomes!” - Jamy Bechler #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Be kind to others just because.” - Manuel Scott #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
about 2 years ago, Pamela Campbell