Join in the Fun! Save the Date: Mother - Son Night on Sunday, April 23 from 4:30 pm to 7 pm at All-Skate Fun Center! Admission $8 per skater includes skates and skate-mates. Register by April 21st!
Quote of the Day:
“Do not hold the delusion that your advancement is accomplished by crushing others.” - @tim_fargo
💙🦅💛Word of the Day: Kith (noun): "An old-fashioned term that refers to friends, neighbors, or relatives." Example: "We enjoy inviting kith and kin to family cookouts on holidays." #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Quote of the Day:
“There’s intrinsic value in being genuinely kind that is hard to measure in our results-oriented world.” @tim_Fargo #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Kindergarten Roundup Open House! April 5th from 5 pm to 7:30 pm!
Friday Fun on St Patrick's Day on Friday at Columbia Upper Elementary! 💛🦅💙☘️👏 #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle
A busy weekend for Columbia Central High School! The Robotics Team completed In Muskegon with a strong showing and the Willy Wonka Musical was a smash hit, with one last performance today at 2 pm at Columbia Central High School! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Word of the Day:
Effete (adjective): "Affected and overly refined." Example: "Effete trendies from art college." - ClickonDetroit
#EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Quote of the Day:
“Give without counting score.
Love without expecting returns.
Lead without wanting respect.
And in turn you will receive respect, love and more.” >> @LollyDaskal
Lexi Warchock (Miss Jackson County RoseQueen) shared ”A Day in the Life of a Bioengineering Scientist” along with information about her research to understand ocular biomechanics. Lexi explained how UM research (where she is working) is always of the highest ethical standards.👑
Robotics: 💛🦅💙 A great weekend for the GOLDEN GEARS. Earned their way to the playoffs in Muskegon FIRST ROBOTICS competition. Defeated in quarterfinal round. PROUD of this team! They are in the hunt to make it to the State Tournament! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Update on 💛🦅💙Columbia Central Golden Gears Robotics. In first round of playoffs, 6th seed GEARS defeated the #3 seed. In second round, GEARS were beaten by #2 seed. In double elimination CCHS can win out of the bottom bracket. Let's go! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Columbia Central Golden Gears Robotic Team Tournament seeding complete. Golden Gears the 6th seed. GO ⚙️Gears! 💙🦅💛⚙️
Great job 👏👏👏Columbia Central High School Golden Gears Robotics Team ⚙️ on your exuberant display of Team Spirit! 💙🦅💛 #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow #GoldenGears
Columbia School District has a grant from the MSP Office of School Safety for an additional School Resource Liaison Officer: Kayla Dean! Officers Dean and Hudson stopped by Columbia Central and talked to Leelyn and Charles. 💛🦅💙 #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Robotics! 💛🦅💙⚙️Columbia Central High School Golden Gears! The autonomous portion of the match. Robot programmed to climb and balance on its own. Just as planned!
Quote of the Day:
“Beliefs are choices. First you choose your beliefs . Then your beliefs affect your choices.” - Roy T. Bennett #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
Columbia Central High School presents Willy Wonka! 💛🦅💙 CCHS Auditorium March 18th at 7 pm. and March 19 at 2 pm! Tickets: Students and Seniors $7, Adults $10. Family of four $30 ($5 for each additional member). Children under 5 are free! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
💙🦅💛Columbia Central High School musical Willy Wonka! If you missed tonight's performance,, make sure you bring your family to the Saturday 7 pm or the Sunday 2 pm performances! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess
💛🦅💙At the end of the first day, the CCHS Golden Gears Robotics team ranks 10th out of 38 teams. Several more qualifying matches on Saturday morning. The Tournaments starts after the qualifying matches. Best wishes Golden Gears ⚙️! #EmpoweringStudentsAchievingSuccess