Congratulations to our Eagle Ticket Winners this week:
Kindergarten: Gavin (Mrs. Elliott), Jaxon (Mrs. Aguilera), Ryker (Mrs. Howland), Alice (Mrs. Jenness), Baker (Mrs. Pound), and Elijah (Mrs. Rentschler).
1st Grade: Sophia (Mrs. Laverty), Owen (Mrs. Thacher), Gabe (Mrs. Szcodronski), Ethan (Mrs. Wisneski), and Maddy (Mrs. Hawkins).
2nd Grade: Gabby (Ms. Hogle), Jordan (Mr. Clanton), Nora (Mrs. Lape), Arryanna (Mrs. Sexton), and Ronin (Ms. Taylor).
Congratulations to all our Little Eagle Ticket winners for working hard and being kind!
💛🦅💙⚽️🥅Columbia Central girls varsity soccer defeated Onsted 2 to 0! Read more!
Quote of the Day:
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” - Appreciate Gratitude #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess
Bike Rodeo tomorrow, Sunday, May 7th 1 to 3 pm, at Columbia Elementary School!
Bike Rodeo tomorrow, Sunday, May 7th 1 to 3 pm, at Columbia Elementary School!
Quote of the Day:
"Did you make someone smile today? You've still got time." #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
After our AMAZING turn out for the tryout meeting at CUES, we are excited to announce that next Wednesday we will be holding a tryout meeting during GEH for any current 7th-11th grader interested in trying out for sideline cheerleading! We hope to see you there! 💙✨
Shake With a Zombie at Columbia Central High school. It takes place in a Luncheonette with singing, dancing, a live rhythm section band and zombies! It really is a fun show with great music! Sat., May 6th at 7:00 and Sun. May 7th at 2:00. All tickets are $5.00.
Congratulations to the CCHS Girls Varsity Tennis 🎾 Team! They defeated Hillsdale 5 to 3!💙🦅💛🎾
Shake With a Zombie at Columbia Central High school. It takes place in a Luncheonette with singing, dancing, a live rhythm section band and zombies! It really is a fun show with great music! Friday and Sat., May 5th and 6th at 7:00 and Sun. May 7th at 2:00. All tickets are $5.00.
JACKSON READS happens on Saturday, May 13 10-4 @ Ella Sharp.
Word of the Day:
Chivalry (noun): "Qualities of the ideal knight, honor, generosity and courtesy." Example: "Some believe that holding doors open for women is an act of chivalry."
Quote of the Day:
"In life you hope for the best, investing time and energy into our children so they can ‘launch’. You can never ‘buy’ love with money or things. It’s the investment of time that reap these rewarding moments." - Tom Matt #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess
Sports Physicals must be completed after April 15th for all student-athletes for the 2023-24 school year. Henry Ford Health is offering sports physicals at many of their centers throughout the summer.
July 13 - Henry Ford Jackson Health Center - Brooklyn
No appointments are necessary, $20.00 cash or check due at check in.
The link below includes the sports physical form and Henry Ford Health waiver.
Girls soccer ⚽️ pictures of CC vs Onsted!
Wristband presale!
Wristbands provide admittance to all games and activities.
💙$15 preorder + $1.75 processing fee
💛$20 day of (cash only)
💙Entry to the carnival is FREE!
💛Preorder link here -
Word of the Day:
Sinecure (noun): "A usually paid job or position that requires little or no work." Example:
"The king was in the habit of rewarding his loyal supporters with sinecures." - M-W #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Quote of the Day:
"Don't waste time looking for your purpose in life. Simply do what makes you feel alive." @EzuieQuotes #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow
Technology at CUES! #EmpoweringLearnersAchievingSuccess