Have a wonderful Year!

Happy New Year 🎈🎆🎊 to the Columbia School District Family! 💙💛🦅

Quote of the Day:

Only 30 more minutes! Come on over to the Columbia Community Fitness Center!

Open House at the Columbia Community Fitness Center is happening now!

Come on over to the Columbia Community Fitness Center!

Join us at the Columbia Community Fitness Center this morning for a wonderful time of family fun! From 10 am to noon we will be giving away prizes, having kid’s activities and mini classes for parents! Everyone receives a certificate for two free weeks! The first 50 adults receive a free T-Shirt!

The big open house at the Fitness Center begins at 10 AM! Fun activities for the whole family! Mini classes for adults and free T-shirts to the first 50 adults who attend! Make your health and fitness as a priority!

Join us tomorrow, Saturday, December 29th for the Columbia Community Fitness Center Open House! Family activities! Prizes! From 10am to noon at 11775 Hewitt Rd in Brooklyn!

Join us for the Open House!

Join us on Saturday, December 29th for the Open House at Columbia Community Fitness Center from 10 am to noon. The first 50 adults to arrive will receive a free t-shirt! Win prizes and try mini classes!

The CCHS wrestlers 🤼♀️ are doing well!

Columbia Central High School Leadership students are sponsoring a Blood Drive today from noon to 5 pm at CCHS in the Commons. You may park at the rear of the building and enter by the Science classrooms. Your donation will save a life! 💙💛🦅#ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!

Columbia Central Youth MyWay Wrestling Registration is open! Click here to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScv2NS8bg07vM118chnrNpXBR8zGC4gq0GBEZKgXYUVJmPvXg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

Join us at Columbia Central High School this morning for the junior varsity 💙💛🦅🤼♂️🤼♀️ wrestling tournament! Help us cheer 👏 on our wrestlers to victory!

Merry Christmas!🎄🎁

Merry Christmas!🎁🎄

From the Columbia School District family to you and yours: Have a very Merry Christmas!🎄🎁

Quote of the Day:
Fill your mind with positive thoughts & intentions. This is where it all starts. Make the most of each day. #RiseRegardless
- Monique Hohnberg

From the Columbia School District family to you and yours: Have a very Merry Christmas!🎄🎁