Columbia Central Golden Eagle JV and Varsity boys b-ball tonight at Vandercook Lake. Tip off is at 5:30. Go Eagles.

Fun activities to try with your children! https://pamcampbellssoup.blogspot.com/2019/01/fun-ideas-with-your-children.html

It is clear and cold! Make sure you wear a coat! All elementary students should have coats, hats, gloves, and boots; kindergarten through second grade should wear snow pants!

Quote of the Day:
“[Kids] don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”
― Jim Henson

Congratulations to our LCAS Scholar Athlete Award winners!

Congrats to the following Columbia Central 💙💛🦅 students on their accomplishments Friday and Saturday at MSVMA 🎶 Solo and Ensemble:
Earning an Excellent (1) Rating:
Eric Peek
Xander Baker
Emily Hissong
Andrew Schneider
Molly Hayes
Earning a Good (2) Rating:
Tesla Crouse
Molly Hayes & Emily Hissong
Izzi Green
Katie Schneider
Makayla Seger
Emma Tappan
Allison Salsbury
Golden Eagle Large Ensemble featuring Larae Micklatcher, Abby Crane, Allison Salsbury, Tesla Crouse, Makayla Seger, Yuki Rizzo, Xander Baker, Andrew Schneider, Eric Peek, Emma Tappan, and Katie Schneider.
And a BIG thanks to our wonderful and amazing accompanist Rob Schneider Jr. In all of his prep and time over these past few weeks preparing and running room to room this weekend!
So very proud of all of you! Considering that we sent just a few events last year for comments, this is a huge jump for our program and will continue to build momentum and better, stronger, singers, all starting with you because you had the courage and the willingness to work and prepare. Way to go!!

Columbia’s Vision, “Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow, goes with the Quote of the Day:

Great job 🦅 Columbia 3rd Grade 🏀- took 2nd out of 7 teams at the tourney on Saturday! 💛💙💛

Congratulations to the Academic Games Team! They competed for the championship at their home tournament at CUES today! Our CUES team consists of the following individuals:
Front Row: Ethan Lambarth, Logan Klink, Kelsey Fausz, Jaidyn Willaert, Fallon Ecklond, Aida Hallenbeck and Nick Newman
Middle Row: Jordan Peek, Tucker Hills, Austin Herrgard, Matthew Peckham
Front Row: Emma Shafer, Kolie Brown, Autumn Solis, Leelyn Brown, Olivia Wood
Also, we would like to thank all of the parents, coaches, staff and community members for their support in hosting this tournament. It's a Great Day to be a Golden Eagle!

Quote of the Day!
Kindness is like snow, it beautifies everything it covers!

Congratulations! Boys varsity defeats Blissfield! 💛💙🦅🏀

Look no farther than Columbia Schools for the best in education! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwlLC4vjOh8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1VH_mc8kkTq4GXmnEyMNRMnsS2M7YAJzmyBviZAk0fLp7ZCyCQRbelQh0

Leadership will be putting on a change drive during the week of Homecoming. The proceeds will go to the Leukemia Foundation. The 5th hour class that brings in the most change will receive a Pizza Party. There will be a winner in the Jr. High and the High School. The Leadership students will be giving each of you a collection box next week.

Columbia Central Boys and girls 🎳bowling is home tonight. JV and Varsity boys 🏀b-ball are home tonight against Blissfield. Good luck Golden Eagles. 💙🦅💛

Congratulations to the Golden Eagles 🦅 Girls Varsity 💛💙 Basketball 🏀 Team for defeating Blissfield!

Columbia Central Tomorrow is Blue and Gold Day at Columbia Central!

Columbia Central High School Congratulations to our Business Professional of America organization! Several groups qualified for the state competition. Way to go!

Columbia 💛💙Central JV and Varsity girls b-ball is at Blissfield tonight. Tip off is at 5:30.
JR High wrestling at Onsted. First match starts at 5;00. Go 🦅 Eagles!

Columbia Central Juniors who live in Jackson or Lenawee County are invited to participate in the Distinguished Young Women of the Irish Hills Scholarship Program. Learn more at www.distinguishedyw.org, email irishhills@distinguishedyw.org or call 5172600730.

The Brooklyn area Kiwanis Club raises thousands of dollars each year in support of programs that benefit children. Want to help? Attend the Quarter to Quarter meeting this Saturday!