Columbia Central High School 💙💛🦅student Merceydeez Scott won the State Girls Wrestling Championship today 11-4! Congratulations Merceydeez!

Register your child for Golden Eagle youth baseball or softball: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLO53YWkQYesyJ16OJxnQm1PMo0iATHpDuCxXtwq8xYPoyPg/viewform

The Golden Eagle Baseball Softball Club registration for children 4 through 14 years of age will run through February 10th. Competitive team tryouts and uniform sizing will be on February 10th. Register on the link at www.myeagles.org on the Upper Elementary or Jr. High page.

Congratulations Columbia wrestling team! Tommy Ronders placed first and is a conference champion. Blake Ellison placed third and three others placed fourth, Zach Osgood, Noah King, and Noah Eisenman. 😊💙💛🦅

Columbia Central 💙💛🦅 Good luck to Mercaydeez Scott competing in the first Girls State Wrestling Tournament Sunday at Adrian College. The event begins at 10 AM.

Friday was a GREAT day seeing and teaching all of our Little Eagles! #CES! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!!

Quote of the Day:

It’s a Great Day to be a 🦅💛💙Golden Eagle! We were so excited to welcome all of our friends back with an exciting day of fun while learning! #cuesproud

It’s a Great Day to be a Golden Eagle! We were so excited to welcome all of our friends back with an exciting day of fun while learning! #cuesproud

Best wishes to the Columbia Central 💛🦅💙 bowling team as they compete in the LCAA Jamboree today!

Best wishes to the 💙💛🦅Columbia Central varsity wrestlers as they compete in the LCAA meet at Ida!

Columbia Central🦅💙💛 Please join us for the home boys basketball game this evening! Teams are playing for 1st place. JV begins at 4:30, varsity will follow. 🏀

The Golden Eagle Baseball Softball Club registration for children 4 through 14 years of age will run through February 10th. Competitive team tryouts and uniform sizing will be on February 10th. Register on the link at www.myeagles.org on the Upper Elementary or Jr. High page.

Enjoy the Little Eagles Newsletter from CES:

The Golden Eagle Baseball Softball Club registration for children 4 through 14 years of age will run through February 10th. Competitive team tryouts and uniform sizing will be on February 10th. Register on the link at www.myeagles.org on the Upper Elementary or Jr. High page.

Read with your children! https://pamcampbellssoup.blogspot.com/2019/02/read-with-your-children.html

Make sure you’re in school today at Columbia to see your friends, eat fabulous lunches, and discuss what you did during the record breaking polar vortex of 2019!

Quote of the Day:
We have school today and we can’t wait to see you!💙💛🦅 This will be a wonderful day of learning activities at Columbia! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!

Columbia Central 💙💛🦅 The boys basketball 🏀 game against Erie Mason is rescheduled on Saturday, February 2 at 4:30 PM.

Columbia 💙💛School District is planning on having school on Friday, February 1st. We will be watching the windchill 🥶 in the morning. The Jackson County schools and many other districts around the State have set -20 windchill as the closing temperature.