Thank you Rep Jewel Jones Michigan 11th House of Representatives District for coming to Columbia Central 💙💛🦅High School to speak with our students.

Congratulations to the winners at the Fifth Annual 🦅💛💙Columbia Golden Ticket 🎫Cash Bash!! We had a marvelous time with friends and family!! The Silent Auction raised over $5,500 for Senior Scholarships!! The full event report will be available next week.

The search and rescue training today at CCHS is canceled. Thank you to the students who were willing to volunteer. 💛💙🦅

Forgot to get your Cash Bash 🎫 ticket? We still have 💙🦅💛one ticket left! Call Columbia Administration at 517-592-6641!

There are only a couple of tickets 🎫 to the event of the year!! The Columbia Golden Ticket 🎫Cash Bash is this Saturday, February 23rd at the Gene Davis Banquet Center! Call 5926641! The doors open at 5 PM.

Congratulations to the Golden Eagles 🦅 girls varsity basketball 🏀 team! They defeated Hudson 49 to 39. They are the LCAA Champions! 💙💛🏀🦅 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!

Columbia Central CCHS Clays season is preparing to begin. If you would like to represent CCHS on the Trap team, Friday 2/22/19 is the deadline.

Columbia Central Jr Sr High School The Jackson Area Career Center will hold an open house tonight from 4-7 PM. Please stop in to visit the variety of career programs offered.

Columbia Central 💙💛🦅 The girls basketball game at Hudson will be held tonight. JV begins at 5:30 PM and varsity will follow. Good luck 🏀Golden Eagles!

Due to inclement weather, black ice and 🥶 icy roads Columbia School District is closed today, Thursday, February 21st. Childcare is open. 💛💙🦅

Columbia Central MS girls b-ball is home tonight at 5:00. JV and Varsity boys b-ball is tonight at home. Tip off is at 5:30. Good luck to the Golden Eagles.

Columbia Central 10th and 11th grade students who are interested in attending the Career Center next school year should sign up in the counseling office.

Columbia Central MS girls b-ball is home tonight at 5:00. JV and Varsity boys b-ball is tonight at home. Tip off is at 5:30. Good luck to the Golden Eagles.

Teachers help to build a brighter future for our children! Nominate your favorite Columbia 💛💙🦅 teacher today! http://www.cheeseheadsbrightfuture.com/

Columbia Central Attention Seniors-The Jackson Community Foundation has extended their scholarship deadline to Tuesday, February 19 at 5 PM.

Congratulations Columbia 🦅💙💛 Central High School wrestler Theo Crouse moving on to the State Meet in the 171 weight class for Division 3, Region 12! The meet will be held at Williamston. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!

Columbia Central Today is a great opportunity for seniors to complete their FAFSA. Stop by the College and Career Access Center. rmd.me/zbFnsUPhsh5

Congratulations Columbia 🦅💙💛 Central High School wrestler Theo Crouse moving on to Regionals in the 171 weight class for Division 3, Region 12! The meet will be held at Williamston. #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle!

Best wishes for a wonderful Presidents’ Day! See you back in Columbia on Tuesday! 💙💛🦅

Columbia Central Cheer!! 💙💛🦅 Good luck to the Columbia Central Varsity Competitive Cheer Team competing in Districts today, 4 PM, at Vandercook. Go CC!