Columbia Central 💙🦅💛 Seniors- Irish Hills Chamber of Commerce service hours for service cords and scholarship applications are due this Friday.
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia 💙🦅💛Central The deadline to apply for Jackson Country Early College Fall classes is May 1. Please see Mrs. Diefenthaler with questions.
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
‪CCHS robotics team has an open house for 8th - 12th graders. Wednesday, April 24, 6-8pm. Come and drive the robot. For more information, please contact Chris Holbert at 602-819-3074 or #JoinTheFun #EarnScholarshipsThroughRobotics ‬
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
The Columbia Golden Gears high school robotics team is holding an open house Wednesday, April 24 for those interested in being on the team for the 2019-2020 school year. We will be holding several workshops during the summer and fall to build our fabrication and programming skills, develop our marketing plan and fundraise for next season, so it’s important to sign up now. 8th -12th graders are welcome. Come and drive the robot, learn about the $80 million in available scholarships, and find out how to be a part of our award-winning team. No experience is necessary. For more information, please contact Chris Holbert at 602-819-3074 or
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Best wishes to our Columbia Central 💛💛🦅 JV golf team! They are playing at Cascades this morning!
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
JV Golf 🏌️ ⛳️ Team!
At Columbia 💙💛🦅we love our Administrative Professionals!! Happy Administrative Professionals Week! 💛💙
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Celebrating our Administrative Professionals!
June 16 through 20th: for young women - The Michigan Youth Leadership Academy (MiYLA), hosted by the Michigan State Police (MSP), provides teens ages 14-15 with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and build positive relationships with law enforcement officers. The teens will spend five days at the MSP Training Academy in Lansing, where they will receive instruction from MSP troopers as well as officers from their hometown police department. The goal of MiYLA is to form a foundation of responsibility, respect, and trust; to benefit the teens, law enforcement officers, and the community.
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Developing Young Leaders Academy for young men: June 10 through 14th. The Developing Young Leaders of America (DYLA) Youth Academy, hosted by the Michigan State Police (MSP), provides teens ages 14-16 with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and build positive relationships with law enforcement officers. The teens will attend a five day leadership academy in Jackson, MI. Students will receive instruction from MSP troopers as well as officers from their hometown police department. The goal of DYLA is to Encourage young adults to realize their potential, to be outstanding leaders and mentors within their communities, and to develop personal growth through collaboration with local law enforcement.
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Learn more about the learning opportunities available for your child this summer!
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Happy Easter 🐇🐣🐰!
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Happy Easter!🐇🐰🐣
Have a blessed and happy Easter 🐣! From your Columbia School District family! 💙💛🦅
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Michigan Youth Leadership Academy June 16—June 20, 2019 The Michigan Youth Leadership Academy (MiYLA), hosted by the Michigan State Police (MSP), provides teens ages 14-15 with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and build positive relationships with law enforcement officers. The teens will spend five days at the MSP Training Academy in Lansing, where they will receive instruction from MSP troopers as well as officers from their hometown police department. The goal of MiYLA is to form a foundation of responsibility, respect, and trust; to benefit the teens, law enforcement officers, and the community. Visit our website at: or contact Tpr. Travis Fletcher at: 517-780-4580
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
The Brooklyn Area Kiwanis Club has canceled the Easter 🐣egg hunt tomorrow morning due to rainy ☔️and stormy weather. 🌧☔️
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
This is a reminder that there is no school today for Columbia. 💙💛🦅 Have a happy Easter🐣 weekend!
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Reminder: 💛💙🦅 Columbia - There is no school on Friday, April 19. Have a wonderful Easter 🐣 weekend!
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia Central Track is at East Jackson tonight. All other games have been cancelled.🏃🏻‍♀️💙💛🦅🌟
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Check out this week's edition of the Eagle's Nest district newsletter:
almost 6 years ago, Monika Cook
Columbia Central Juniors will visit Jackson College, Baker College and Spring Arbor University on Thursday. Please dress for the weather.
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day:
almost 6 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day!