Sixth grade camp at Kimball Camp YMCA!!

Check out this week's Eagle's Nest district newsletter: https://www.smore.com/aktqp-eagle-s-nest

Congratulations Columbia Central!! https://www.mlive.com/news/jackson/2019/05/columbia-central-tops-jackson-county-in-us-news-best-high-school-rankings.html

Columbia Central Jr High 8th grade students will go on the College field trip tomorrow. It will be leaving at 8:30 AM -2:15 PM. Lunch will be provided. rmd.me/sHk8ZfYQvu9

Columbia Central CCJH Track is canceled. Boys Golf meet has been moved to 5/15. 💛💙🦅Good luck to JV Baseball at Dundee, 4PM & Varsity base/softball, home, 4PM.

Sixth grade camp!

Sixth grade camp at Kimball Camp YMCA!

Learning about pioneers and settlers!

Columbia Central The make up date for job shadowing is May 20. Please see Mrs. Wallace with any questions.

Columbia Central Varsity track is away tonight. Girls soccer is at Jackson College and girls tennis is at home tonight. Good luck to the Golden Eagles.💙💛🦅

If your child will attend college, they should register for the Jackson County Early College. Today is the last day for sophomores to register for the JCEC. By registering for the JCEC it gives you the option of taking college courses in High School. Questions? Call Mrs. D.

Columbia Central J: Please join us this weekend for the CCJH Musical, School House Rock Live, Jr.! rmd.me/h5qNNepql6z

Columbia Central J: Due to inclement weather, all sporting events have been canceled for tonight.

Kiwanis Flags!! https://brooklynkiwanismi.com/Page/33177

Quote of the Day:
Persistence overshadows even talent as the most valuable resource shaping the quality of life. Tony Robbins

College opportunity for all CCHS students!! May 1st is the deadline for Jackson County Early College Fall applications. Please see Mrs. Diefenthaler with questions. You must apply this by Wednesday if you want to participate during your junior or senior year of high school.

Columbia Central May 1 is the deadline for Jackson County Early College Fall applications. Please see Mrs. Diefenthaler with questions. Sophomores and Juniors must apply now to take college classes during high school.

CCHS 💙💛🦅⚽️🥅 Girls soccer is canceled for today.

Columbia Central High School, except girls soccer, and JR High sporting events for this evening have been canceled. Some of the practices are still on. Stay dry Golden Eagles. Good luck Soccer team ⚽️ 🥅 !

Online registration is now open for the Columbia School District Summer Camps! Go to www.myeagles.org for more information!