Congratulations 👏to our fabulous seniors! They earned many awards and scholarships at the Columbia 💙💛🦅Central High School Senior 🏅🏆Award Night!

Columbia Central Senior Awards Night begins tonight at 7 PM in the auditorium. 💙💛🦅 Senior breakfast and graduation practice are tomorrow.

Register for one of our fabulous Columbia Summer Programs!! https://www.myeagles.org/article/107138?org=columbia-school-district

Check out the shooting camp! https://www.shootnet.com/?fbclid=IwAR1M71sMaay2vf_YBFvpikIoUuH9w0HBSV6StBhZEpLai7w6TOU9xJxAbys

Congratulations to the Golden Eagle 🦅 Marching Band! Great job!

Must Pre-Register at www.shootnet.com. Click on Back To Brooklyn Page. Space is limited!
When: June 25-26
Where: Columbia Central High School
Time: 9-Noon
Age: Boys and Girls 7-18 divides by age and skill level.
Cost: $95

Youth Tennis Camp at Columbia Central! The registration form is available online in our district newsletter: https://www.smore.com/270hg-eagle-s-nest

Check out this week's Eagle's Nest district newsletter: https://www.smore.com/270hg-eagle-s-nest

Quote of the Day:
In life you’ll meet a lot of mean and disrespectful people. If they hurt you, tell yourself that it’s because issues they have and you’re on a different level than they are, which will keep you from reacting to their insensitivity. There is nothing worse than bitterness and vengeance. Walk away, keep your dignity and always be true to yourself. - Sherry Hynes

Third grade trip to the Island!

Junior High Zoology trip!

Quote of the Day:
The bottom line in all of it is that, in life, it’s all about people. - Colin Powell

Help the wrestling 🤼♂️ team!

Columbia School District 💙💛🦅has been notified that our waiver for the State of Emergency Days has been approved. The last day of school will be a half day on Friday, June 7, 2019, as originally planned.😎

Congratulations to Terri Crawford! She received the Teacher of the Year Award from the Brooklyn Irish Hills Chamber of Commerce!💙💛🦅

Columbia School District has been notified that our State of Emergency days have been forgiven. We will finish school as originally planned on June 7, 2019 with a half day.

Columbia Central There will be a Spain 2020 meeting tonight at 7 PM in Mr. Jackson's classroom. If you going on the trip, please plan on attending.

Vote for our CCHS Softball Player Kaylin Peach as Athlete of the Week! https://www.mlive.com/highschoolsports/2019/05/vote-for-jackson-area-athlete-of-week-for-may-13-18.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=jacksoncitpat_sf&fbclid=IwAR0RzWzB41TKg-wCiFnIpF_XwQNyIBGHyl-6t_B5Pqt44M3lFUlV5plo4ao

Columbia Fitness Center is accepting bids on some of our equipment that we are getting rid of. If you are interested in bidding on any of the items you must submit your bid in a sealed envelope with your name and phone number.The highest bidder wins!!

If you are interested in a flag for the holidays through the Kiwanis Club, check out the information: