💙🦅💛🎳👏Congratulations to the CCHS Girls bowling team! They placed seventh in regionals on Saturday!
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
💛🎳💙🦅👏Congratulations to Izzi Green!! Izzi finished 9th today in the Region 15 MHSAA Regional competition in Niles, MI making her the third girl in CCHS history to qualify for the MHSSA Finals. Coaches around the LCAA have been talking about the CCHS girls bowling team. They’ve been talking about how well they’ve been bowling, how improved they are and how this young squad is gonna be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Izzi Green walked in to the Regional tournament today and said don’t forget about what’s here right now. The team had a slow start in game 1 with a 754 but the girls fired back in game 2 with a season high 889 led by Izzi’s career high 232 and a 201 from Shanna Detloff. As the lanes transitioned in games 3 and 4 the team held their own with games of 716 and 787 for a solid 7th place finish. It was a great day for all the Golden Eagle ladies Izzi led the Eagles and averaged 183 for the day followed by Shanna at 172, Niya Holbert at 164, and Amber Johnson at 162. Sophie Kerr and Lorelei Mortimer combined for a 106 average making this a true team effort. Congratulations to all the Golden Eagle Girls for a fantastic season and good luck to Izzi Green next Saturday at the MHSA state finals at Jax 60 in Jackson.
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations to these readers this week who made their goal and earned their beach ball prize. This week alone our class read over 400 books! We are such amazing readers!
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Unfortunately, last night was the end of the season for us. Saying that, we have NEVER been more proud of the team that rose up and competed last night. Through countless setbacks YOU made it happen! From throwing in three girls who have never competed round two before, to rearranging stunt groups and learning new spots for round one, these girls proved that they don’t ever stop fighting. Our crazy ride may be over this time, but we won’t be down for long. We have so much pride in what they have overcome, not only this season but last night alone. No one can ever take that away from us. CCVC Forever! 💗✨ #CCVC #BetterTogether
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations👏 to Mrs. Hawkins’ class! Everyone met their weekly goal and earned a beach ball prize! Most doubled their goal to earn a popsicle treat, too! Way to go readers! Remember you can read at home and send in the list of books! Find a quiz number at arbookfind.com !
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅 It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own life. It’s busy. It’s hard to look up sometimes and even notice who is hurting & needs our care. Today, look beyond yourself and see what you can do. See who needs you. Maybe they are already on your heart.
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations Girls Varsity Basketball 🏀! They defeated Dundee 71 to 31!!💙🦅💛🏀
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations! JV girls defeated Dundee 33 to 19!💙🦅💛🏀
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
CCHS gils varsity basketball 🏀 up 42 to 14 over Dundee!
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Best wishes to the girls Golden Eagles 🦅 Bowling 🎳 Team at Regionals tomorrow in Niles! 💛🦅🎳💙
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia Central High School students interested in playing JV or Varsity softball this season 🥎 should attend the meeting at the CCHS cafeteria on Sunday, March 21st with Coach Steele. Parents are welcome to attend the meeting.
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
💙🎳💛🦅From coach Eric Hall While the season ended today with an 11th place finish Diana and I couldn’t be more proud of how this group of young men pulled together as a team. It was a very difficult year with all kinds of new challenges and they handled it well. On top of COVID these guys navigated a new practice facility, a condensed season, a new bowling center for Regionals, a super demanding condition not to mention some lingering knee and back injuries. They showed a ton of grit and determination and should stand proud of the work they put in this entire season. Congratulations to Caleb Gritzmaker. He was the highest qualifier in singles for the Golden Eagles today in 18th place, just 36 pins from a qualifying spot! Congratulations to our Seniors Gage and Matt on their final tournament and a huge high five to Blake Farmer and Landon Miller who couldn’t make the trip due to new roster restrictions. Great Job guys!
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Congratulations to the CCHS boys bowling team for a great season! Let’s go Golden Eagles!💛🦅💙🎳
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
CCHS Softball Meeting this Sunday !
about 4 years ago, Monika Cook
Softball Meeting
Game 2! Let’s go Golden Eagles!💛🦅💙🎳
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Game 2! Let’s go Golden Eagles!💛🦅💙🎳
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
CCHS boys Bowling 🎳 Team!! Golden Eagles!
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Go Golden Eagles 🦅 💙🦅💛
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Good luck to our Bowlers, cheerleaders and wrestlers that all compete this weekend in MHSAA state tournaments.
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Brandywine High School will live stream the MHSAA Regional #15 Bowling on both Friday and Saturday from Joey Armadillos. We will be using three cameras across the alleys for the coverage. Here are the directions for accessing the channels: Go to http://www.Brandywinebobcats.org Find "Athletics" and click on that Move cursor arrow down to "Brandywine Bobcat Live Stream" and click "Bobcat Athletics 1", "Bobcat Athletics 2", and "OnBase Productions", all three will have lane coverage. This will give you coverage from the left side of the alley (lane 1 is at that end), the middle of the alley, and the right side of the alley (lane 24 is in that shot). ⚠️💙💛COLUMBIA CENTRAL HS will be on lane 11, with Hillsdale on 12.
about 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell