Congratulations to Columbia Elementary School kindergarten teacher Amanda Aguilera! She was named Top Ten in Jackson County!


Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!!💛🦅💙

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Please take a moment to let your teachers know just how much you appreciate all they do. We are incredibly thankful for the care, understanding, & patience they have shown, especially during such a different school year. THANK YOU! #ThankATeacher

Quote of the Day:

Congratulations CES teacher Amanda Aguilera for being chosen in the Top Ten!! https://bluetoad.com/publication/?i=705267&ver=html5

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
💙🦅💛It is a tough year, but at least we have each other. 🧡

Columbia loves our Principal’s! Happy Principal’s Day!!💙🦅💛👏🎉🎊

Happy Principal’s Day!💙🦅💛👏

Today we celebrate Principals Day! We are showering our fabulous Columbia Elementary Principal, Mrs. Wright with goodies and love today! She ensures our days are always filled with kindness, support and amazing learning. 💙💛

“Hard work doesn’t guarantee success, but it improves its chances.” -B.J. Gupta

Mrs. Sexton’s class had fun! 💙🦅💛 Mrs Douglas always makes coming to library an adventure. Today was a trivia game! So much fun!!

Happy Principal’s Day! We love Mrs. Wright! 💙🦅💛

💙🦅💛👏🎵🎶 Jazz Fest!!

Quote of the Day:

Mrs. Hogel’s class made paper clocks. It is important for our students to learn how to tell time on an analog clock. 💙🦅💛

💙🦅💛 Here they are!!! Our magnificent Girls on the M.O.V.E. girls...just like our new theme song “La Magnifica!” 🙌💫 We had thirteen 5th and 6th grade girls yesterday (4/27), and they were a fantastic group!🙌💜 We also had four outstanding 8th grade role model helpers! Thank you so much Jordan, Olivia, Allie and McDee!🙌 🙌🙌🙌
Our topic was “resilience” and girls decorated their frames with affirmation statements. They danced for the first time ever to our new theme song with Zumba with Rosa, and we had a logo t-shirt giveaway activity!⭐️ They also received their Mindfulness Workbooks 💜(if they didn’t already have one from the February session). Thank you Columbia Upper Elementary School and Columbia School District! **Note: We are ordering a few more copies for the girls. It was a wonderful session with really great girls. For the group photo at the end they spontaneously called out “Girls on the M.O.V.E.” in unison!💜 🙌😊 Thank you to all for the amazing support and help!!!!

Quote of the Day:
“I choose to ... appreciate both myself and others, and not take anyone or anything for granted.” - Sherry Hynes

Mrs. Hogel’s class visited the CES library! Mrs. Douglas, the librarian planned many fun things for the kids to do in the library. The kids had a blast with this trivia game.