Quote of the Day:
Let’s support each other!

Quote of the Day
Good Morning ☀️
Good advice! Go get it🎉

Learn more about Columbia School District summer programs! Catch the Wave! https://jtv.tv/columbia-schools-offering-summer-programs-and-camp-experiences

Quote of the Day:
Let’s cheer for all our kids!👏👏👏

In the Columbia Upper Elementary summer Leadership program! Students worked together to build a boat that would float with 100+ paperclips and built different types of towers as a team. 💙🦅💛👏

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Good Morning!☀️
Good advice.

Learning how to cook at Columbia Elementary School!💙🦅💛

The first session of the two week Robotics at Columbia Upper Elementary began today!💙🦅💛

Fantastic Science at Columbia Upper Elementary School! Investigating black lights!💙🦅💛

The CUES fun and games group had an opportunity to try out the playground!

Mrs. Thacher’s Leadership class is learning how to work together to accomplish great things!💙💛🦅👏

The Columbia Elementary and Upper Elementary Catch The Wave program teachers and staff members are fabulous!
We had a wonderful first day!💙🦅💛👏

Join the Golden Eagle Team!

Congratulations to Columbia School District’s new teachers! Michelle Parling will teach third grade, Carol Ladd elementary virtual, Maria Cook fourth grade, and Jacob Crawford secondary mathematics! Carol, Maria, and Jacob are Columbia Central Alumni! 💛🦅💙👏

Quote of the Day:
Good Morning! ☀️
Bloom where you are, the rest will come.

Great things happening at Columbia! Hear about it on JTV! 💙🦅💛 https://jtv.tv/columbia-schools-offering-summer-programs-and-camp-experiences

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
“There is always light, if we are only brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.” - Amanda Gorman