Thank you to all the 💛🦅💙Columbia School District staff members and families who walked in the Independence Day Parade!❤️🇺🇸💙🎉🎊

Best wishes for a fabulous Independence Day!💙🇺🇸❤️

Don’t forget about the Independence Day Parade in Brooklyn today! 🇺🇸🎉❤️💙 The Parade begins at 1 pm. Columbia School District staff is meeting at the Presbyterian Church at 12:30 pm. If you missed picking up your shirt, it will be at the staging area. See you there!

Best wishes for an amazing Independence Day! 💙❤️🇺🇸

Columbia students in grades 6 through 9 Learning Today to Lead Tomorrow! Theater program at CCHS! 💙🦅💛Another innovative program at Columbia, benefiting our students! #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Columbia students are participating in innovative activities with the Columbia Community Fitness Center! Students worked on teamwork and tie dyed T-shirts to celebrate Independence Day!💙🦅💛🇺🇸

Columbia students enjoying Summer Programs!💙🦅💛 #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

“I told my friend that I was emotionally hitting a wall. She said sometimes walls are there so we can lean on them and rest. I can’t even begin to express how much I needed to hear that.” Brandon Kyle Goodman

Columbia summer program!

Attention Third through Fifth grade students (last year): there are still openings in the theater camp for $5! To register call 517-592-6641 or email Monika.Cook@myeagles.org .

Registration is open for the Columbia Youth Tackle Football for all 5th/6th grade students for the 2021 season! Click on the link below for more information and to register today!

Quote of the Day:

Columbia Central Junior High students tried out this great obstacle course today!💛🦅💙#LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow

It’s that time of year again. 2021 5th/6th grade Columbia Central Tackle Football registration is open.
Click the link below to register.

Columbia K - 8th grade Summer Programs will not meet next week, but will resume on Tuesday, July 13. Columbia Credit Recovery grades 9 - 12 will meet next week with Melissa Adams at CCHS Monday, July 5th - Thursday, July 8th.

The High School Credit Recovery for Columbia School District will meet next week on Monday, July 5th through Thursday, July 8th as scheduled.

Reminder: There will not be any Summer Programs next week! Enjoy the week off with your family! Columbia School District Summer Programs resume on July 13, 2021!

The 2021 Junior High Drama Camp will present an end-of-camp Cabaret this Friday morning, July 2nd, at 11:00 am in the Columbia High School Auditorium. All Columbia staff, students and community members are cordially invited to attend the Cabaret.

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow! Columbia summer program!

Quote of the Day: