Quote of the Day:
Focus on Gratitude!

Quote of the Day:
Support the children in your life!

Quote of the Day:
Focus on success each and every day!

The Columbia versus Napoleon Crab 🦀 Race is getting ready to begin! Head over to the Beach Bar and cheer on the Columbia Team!💙🦅💛

Bridge building in STEM at Columbia Elementary School!💛🦅💙

💙🦅💛Columbia School District students in the Summer Program built bridges!! #STEM #ItsAGreatDayToBeAGoldenEagle

Complete you 2021-2022 Free and Reduced School Meal application today! One application per family. Applications can be completed online or available on our website and in each building office. https://www.lunchapp.com/

The Educational Foundation for Columbia Schools will be hosting their annual golf outing on August 21st at the Clark Lake Golf Course. All profits donated to the Educational Foundation will provide scholarships, teacher grants, senior scholarship dinner and operational expenses.

Quote of the Day:
Breathe, regroup and recalibrate!

Register for the 3rd and 4th grade Columbia Central Travel Flag Football league. The deadline to sign-up is July 31st, 2021. The cost is $45. To sign-up go to the myeagles.org website and enter the Fitness center site for the link.

Join our team!

Quote of the Day:
Stay positive!

Quote of the Day:
Don’t let fear rule your life!

Columbia summer fun!💛🦅💙 #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow

Amazing learning activities at Columbia School District summer program!!💙🦅💛

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow at Columbia School District! Fun with the summer program!💙🦅💛

Columbia Summer program! #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow

Columbia Elementary 💙🦅💛 summer programs are doing STEM! They are building human tunnels

Quote of the Day:
Focus on the things you can control!

Register for Columbia Fifth and Sixth Grade Tackle Football!