Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences November 15th & 16th!
😍Book Fair is 11/13-11/17! Gear up for new book titles and a fun way for your students to shop for books.
⚡Types of payment accepted - Cash, Check (payable to Columbia PTO), Credit Cards or eWallets
🌟Need to set up an eWallet? Check out our Book Fair Homepage for all the information!
➡️ The PTO accepts donations to help buy books for children who can't attend the fair or can't afford to shop. If you'd like to contribute, you can upload funds to this e-wallet account: https://shop.scholastic.com/ewallet/fund?lang=en_US...
Happy Veterans Day!
The class of 2027 spirit wear fundraiser! Forms and money will be due no later than November 14th so items can be ready for Christmas.
Book Bingo!
A fun and interactive family event that can get the entire family involved! Children have an opportunity to win books, spend time with family, and shop at the book fair.
Meeting tonight!
PTO is hosting a Parents Night Out on Saturday, December 2nd from 5-8 PM. This is for Kindergarten-6th grade students. The cost is $20 for the first child and $10 for each additional child.
No walk-ins are available; families must pre-register students! Forms and money are due by 11/29.
If you would like to volunteer, here is the signup link - https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0C4AAAAC2CA2F4C34...
Winter sports will be starting soon!
Please join us for our Columbia School District Veterans Day Celebration. If you plan to attend, please sign up with the form in the link below or call 517-592-6641
Form Link
The CCHS Drumline performed this afternoon, giving us a preview of the Jackson College "Percussion Concussion"!
Another successful Columbia School District Trunk or Treat! Thank you to all who participated!
Sign up today!
The class of 2027 spirit wear fundraiser! Forms and money will be due no later than November 14th so items can be ready for Christmas.
Halloween Open House!
Please join us for our Columbia School District Veterans Day Celebration. If you plan to attend, please sign up with the form in the link below or call 517-592-6641
Form Link
Kiwanis Arts & Craft Show this Saturday!
Join us this Sunday!
There will be no bus service for Route 6 on Tuesday, October 24th. due to driver shortage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask that you make alternative transportation arrangements.
Join our team!
CCHS Rake and Run service project is here to help!