OTIH! Run for the Hills! Get your physical fitness on and walk or run!

Quote of the Day:
“Education is the seed!”

In an effort to continue to provide a safe and valuable learning environment for our students and community, Columbia is working on a Sinking Fund to support facility needs and student technology upgrades. There will be an informational meeting on Monday, September 13th at 6 pm in the Columbia Central High School Media Center.

Quote of the Day:
“So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake, just keep on reaching though the limb might break we’ve come this far, don't you be scared now because you can learn to fly on the way down.” Sarah Maple


Quote of the Day:
“Children are an Important work.”

Spectacular Spellers! 💛🦅💙Students in Mrs. Hogle’s class who got an A on their spelling test. 👏👏👏

Columbia Golden Eagles 🦅 14 to Blissfield 26.

With 2:50 left in the third quarter, 💙🦅💛Columbia Golden Eagles 14, Blissfield 19.

💙🦅💛🏐 Congratulations to our Columbia Central Varsity Volleyball 🏐 Team! They are ranked seventh in the state for division three!

Quote of the Day:
“On the other side of the clouds is a brilliant blue sky.” - Tasha Perry

Columbia School District is hiring a Part-Time Reading Interventionist Teacher, a Secondary Science Teacher, Bus Drivers and a Part-Time Custodian! Visit our website for more information: https://www.myeagles.org/page/job-opportunities

Quote of the Day:
Stop holding yourself back! Be positive!

Run for the Hills! A family run at Hidden Lake Gardens! Join in the fun and support this great event!

Columbia School District is hiring a Secondary Science Teacher, a Part-Time Custodian, and bus drivers! Apply today! www.myeagles.org

💙🦅💛 Interested in getting a vaccination? Check out the vaccine locator site: https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98178_103214_104822---,00.html

Quote of the Day:
Never quit!

💙🦅💛 Columbia Elementary School kindergarten teacher Mrs. Jenness’ class “Practicing Read to Self!” They did an awesome job!

“Believe!” #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrow

“You may spend your whole life competing with others, trying to prove that you are somebody and still feel like nobody. You are more powerful than you think!” #LeadershjipFirst #LearningTodayLeadingTomorrowp