Trunk or Treat at CCHS! Join us on Sunday, October 24th from 3 to 5 pm.

Columbia Elementary School! Mrs. Hogle’s Second Grade Spectacular Spellers! These students studied hard. Who can be a spectacular speller next week?

Quote of the Weekend:
“You are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn

💙🦅💛 Congratulations to Mrs. Korn! She received the Columbia Central Junior High School Teacher of the Year Award! 🏆

Congratulations to Mr. Jackson! He received the Columbia Central High School Teacher of the Year Award! 💙🦅💛

Columbia Central High School is honoring the CCHS 2007 State Champtionship Band and Former Director, Joe Folts, on Friday, October 15th at the Home Football Game! Columbia School District is proud of our musicians and their accomplishments. Please invite 2007 Band members.

A water leak at Columbia Central High School caused the fire alarm to go off. There is no cause for concern. All students and staff are safe.

Thank you, Principals!
October is National Principals Month. Recognizing and thanking our Principals for their dedicated commitment and service to the education of Columbia School District's students, staff, and community as they are the key to the success of our schools. Principal leadership has increased greatly in the past decade, including quality and accountability for all children. Our devoted leaders contribute to the well-being of our school district and more importantly to our students. Thank you, Mrs. O'Neil, Mr. Cushman, Mr. Kubiak, Mrs. Klink, Mrs. VanWagnen, and Mrs. Wright. We appreciate you!

Attention: TikTok trends are putting students in jeopardy of being suspended or expelled. In addition, students could face legal consequences. Please speak with your child to deter him or her from making a choice that would have major consequences. This disruptive behavior takes away from valuable staff time, resources and money to deal with and repair. Theft, vandalism, and assault are violations of the Student Code of Conduct and may be punishable by suspension, expulsion, or other discipline as determined by the school administrator. Violations may also be referred to local law enforcement agencies where appropriate. Items are being stolen from classrooms, common areas, and most commonly, the bathroom.

Best wishes for a blessed weekend!💙🦅💛

Quote of the Day:

Columbia Elementary Second Grade Mrs. Hogel’s class tasted apple pie, apple butter and apple sauce. Then they graphed our results and made equations using the graph. It was fun. Apple pie was the fan favorite.

College Application Month starts tomorrow for 💙🦅💛 Columbia Central High School Seniors. Every Wednesday in October will be college sweatshirt day! Join in the fun and wear your favorite college sweatshirt!

The Kiwanis Club of Brooklyn is holding its 31st Annual Arts, Crafts, Antiques & Collectibles Show on Saturday, November 13th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Columbia Upper Elementary School in Brooklyn. Admission is $1.00 or a canned food item to be donated to the Brooklyn Food Pantry.
We are still accepting vendors!
For more information, email brooklynkiwanismi@gmail.com.

Join us for K-Day fun!

Quote of the Day:

Columbia School District needs you! Apply today!

Quote of the Day:
“Thankful for good friends.” @2thank #AppreciareGratitude

Today was Apple Day in Mrs. Jenness’s class. They tasted apples, charted our favorite, predicted whether they would sink or float and tried a “Lemonade Apple”. They learned the life cycle of an apple, labeled it’s parts and painted with apples, ate apple pie and drank cider.

Columbia elementary students in kindergarten through sixth grade have art 🖼 each week!