Congratulations to Mr. Stout and the Columbia Central Music Program on a memorable holiday performance last week ! What an amazing show! 💙💛🎼🎼

💙🦅💛 Congratulations to our fabulous student teacher, Miss Vesper, who graduated from Ferris State University! We are so proud of you!! Best wishes as you begin your career! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication at Columbia Central!

Today is the official beginning of winter, making tonight the longest night of the year. Tomorrow the days will start getting longer by approximately 2 minutes each day!

Quote of the Day:
“Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” - Bernard Meltzer

Quote of the Day:
“No drama, conflict or stress!”

Quote of the Day:
“I’ve learned that when I’m really ready to make a change, I commit to let my actions speak louder than my words.” - Dr. Barbara Wright

Best wishes to the 💙🦅 💛 CUES Jiggly Bobs robotics team who have their competition tomorrow! They went to the Brooklyn post office yesterday to share our innovation project with them. They designed a robot that can help postal workers deliver heavy packages.

I bought rocks yesterday. A 10 or 11 year-old girl stood in front of her apartment with a sign, “Rocks for sale.” My first thought was, “if she’s selling rocks, she must not have much else to sell”.
I got out of my car and went to ask about her rocks. She said she’d been there for 2 hours, but no one had even stopped. And that was after she had already gone door to door trying to sell the rocks. Her sign said that each rock was $5, so I grabbed a $20 bill and handed it to her. She sheepishly responded that she didn’t have change for $20. I told her change was not needed as I was going to buy 4 of her beautiful rocks.
Immediately she started to cry. As tears streamed down her face she told me that her family had a cat, but they didn’t have enough money to take care of it. Her mom said the only way they could keep it was if she earned the money for the cat food. She couldn’t believe I was going to buy 4 rocks, but that with the money she would be able to keep her favorite pet. She thanked me profusely, but the tears had already rewarded me well. As I left, she packed up her table and treasures and went inside. All day I thought about the difference $20 made in her life. I think I’ll keep those rocks forever.
When I had my brain tumor, even a little text message could give me hope to keep fighting. No act of kindness is “little” when you are in need. I wish I could buy rocks everyday. 💛
Credit: Writer & Presenter Jodi Orgill Brown

Quote of the Day:
“Be Kind!”

Coming soon…Columbia Upper Elementary School (CUES)! 🙌🙌🙌 Our next session is Mentor-Up on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. A great way to begin the New Year!💫 So mark your calendars for January 11th and then also Tuesday, March 8th!

Congratulations to the 7th grade basketball team. They finished 9-3 with a win over Onsted. 💙🦅💛 2021 7th Grade Boys Basketball Team.

Merry Christmas!🎁🎄 Ringing bells at Walmart!

Merry Christmas! At Walmart ringing bells!

Merry Christmas! Kathy and Sue stopped by and got a selfie!

Merry Christmas! Come get a selfie! Dr. Campbell will be at Walmart ringing bells until 2 PM.

In this Christmas season, Dr. Campbell is ringing bells at Walmart to benefit the Salvation Army and those in need in Jackson County. She will be there from noon until 2 PM, stop by and get a selfie!

Last night the Columbia School District posted both a live feed and news feed message regarding a TikTok message on our website. At the same time we emailed it to parents. This morning we received a notification from a teacher who is a parent that they did not receive the parent message.
That message is posted at the following link: https://www.myeagles.org/article/612083?org=columbia-school-district

Quote of the Day:
“Life is so short; cherish every moment of your life.”

Helpful Resources for Families During Stressful Times
The InPACT at Home family engagement team has released its eighth module, which highlights the importance of Managing Emotions and Stress. This module describes how physical activity provides an opportunity for children to practice and build important life skills such as: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness. This module comes with a 20-day Power Practice Calendar and a set of playcards that reinforce social-emotional learning competencies. All of these resources are freely available on the InPACT at Home website (inpactathome.umich.edu).