Quote of the Day:
“Keep it simple!”

Columbia Central 💙🦅💛 High School students work on stop video photography.

Congratulations 💙🦅💛 to Hannah Taylor, teaching second grade and Gina Lapham, teaching fourth grade. They were officially hired at the Columbia School Board meeting.

Columbia School District Board of Education! 💙🦅💛

We need you! Bus drivers and substitute teachers wanted!

Mentor-Up on Tuesday, January 18th learn about exceptional behaviors from our book “Outsmarting Worry” Zumba moves with Zumba with Rosa!
Sign up at CUES! Wear your shirts 😊 and bring your books if you have already received one! T-shirts and books courtesy of Columbia Schools! 😊

Quote of the Day:
“Your role as a leader is to bring out the best in others, even when they know more than you.” Dr. Wanda Wallace

Bus Routes without drivers for tomorrow, January 11th: Bus 7- Woodstock Twp and Bus 9- Addison.

Congratulations 💙🦅💛👏👏👏 to the Columbia School District Teachers of the Year! Kelly Rentschler from CES, Steve Beck from Options, Bonnie Korn from CCJHS, and Derek Jackson from CCHS. Not pictured Brian Meschke from CUES.

Miss Cook’s fourth-grade class recently received a $300 grant from the YAC Mini-Grant Fund at the Jackson Community Foundation. The grant will help assist Miss Cook’s mission to provide the best learning environment for all students.
“Students are able to actively learn and collaborate in the classroom thanks to the Jackson Community Foundation YAC Mini-Grant which gave us the opportunity to purchase flexible seating options for students.” – Maria Cook

Quote of the Day:
“Appreciate others!”

Congratulations! 💛🦅💙🎳 A big congratulations to the Golden Eagle Ladies for winning their first jamboree in school history Friday night at Ten Pin Alley.
This was the first jamboree of the season. Jamboree formats are the same as a dual meet with two regular games and two baker games. All six schools compete at once with total pinfall deciding the winner.
The Golden Eagle ladies started with solid baker games putting them in third place. While none of their games in game 1 of the regular games were huge, the ladies bowled really well as a team and moved up to second place going into the final game. Led by Shanna Detloff and Niya Holbert the ladies held off a strong charge by the Nichols sisters from Onsted to take the victory. Shanna Detloff led the team with games of 230 and 169 followed by Niya Holbert with games of 171 and 194.
The boys team came out of the baker games in second place. Just 17 pins out of the lead and a 1 pin lead on third. Strong games by Caleb Gritzmaker and Jake Luna in regular game 1 kept the Golden Eagles in striking distance. Brayden Steele bowled a season high 236 and the team followed his lead to move ahead of first place Hillsdale, but Hudson was the story in game 2 shooting a big game to move from fourth place and take the victory. Brayden Steele led the Golden Eagles with a 236 game followed by Jake Luna with a 216 and Caleb Gritzmaker with a 213.
Congratulations again to the Golden Eagle ladies on your first jamboree win!.
It's a great day to be a Golden Eagle 💙💛

Thank you to our Law Enforcement personnel!💙

Quote of the Day:
Be the reason!

If you see something say something.

💛🦅💙Thank you to our Columbia teachers who truly care and go out of their way to help students!❤️
A Truly Amazing Teacher Is Hard To Find And Impossible To Forget" - Appreciate Gratitude @2thank

Quote of the Day:
“Be strong today and everyday!”

Congratulations! CCHS lady Golden Eagles 🦅 defeated Dundee 50 to 36!💛🦅💙🏀

Quote of the Day:
“You don't blast a heart open," she said.
"You coax and nurture it open,
like the sun does to a rose.”
― Melody Beattie,
The Lessons of Love: Rediscovering Our Passion for Life
When It All Seems Too Hard to Take

Quote of the Day:
“Don’t take criticism.”