Want the 💛🦅💙Columbia School District App? Go to the App Store and search for “Columbia School District Mi.”
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Thursday, March 24th is a half day for Columbia students. Columbia School District begins Spring on Thursday afternoon. In order to count the day, it is important for students to attend school in the morning on Thursday! Be safe! School resumes on Monday, April 4th!💙🦅💛
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
beginning Thursday afternoon
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 If you fall, get back up again.
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
if you fall get back up again 
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because it’s fake. If it sounds too good to be true, it may be. I always go with my gut feelings, even if it isn’t the popular opinion or belief. Sometimes I am right, and sometimes I learn.” M. Borden
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
OK2Say is a program through the State of Michigan that allows for anyone to submit a school safety tip anonymously. If you see (or hear) something, say something! Text 652729, call 855-565-2729, or visit ok2say.com to submit a tip!
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Today, March 20, 2022, is the first day of spring!
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
first day of spring 
first day of spring 
first day of spring 
A job well done CCHS Golden Gears!💙🦅💛👏👏 Made it to quarter finals in Muskegon! Carnage did the gears in, but that’s all part of the game. Well Done! A mangled intake, a thrown gear, a couple broken welds. But the robot did it’s job. Repairs soon to follow.👍
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Be Kind.”
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Join the Columbia community at “Legally Blonde the Musical!” The production is fabulous! Come out to the CCHS Performing Arts Theater at 7 pm tonight, Saturday, and 2 pm tomorrow, Sunday!💛🦅💙👏👏👏
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “Everyone grows at different times, don’t lose hope.“ - Jeanne Buhl
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
What a great FIRST day of CCHS Robotics competition in Muskegon! After completing eight qualification matches today, they are currently ranked 11th out of 38! Excited for tomorrow where they will finish the remaining four qualification matches, then on to the finals (hopefully)! 💛🦅💙 Golden Gears! Excellent teamwork, diligence and hard work today by all!
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
💙🦅💛Tuesday, March 22nd at Columbia Upper Elementary School!🙌 Girls will receive the book “I am Peace”-a book for all ages!😊And the girls’ favorite Zumba with Rosa ! Columbia Upper Elementary School
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
girls On The Move 
💙🦅💛Columbia Central presents "Legally Blonde the Musical," which is opening tonight. There are over 50 students from the jr. high, sr. high, and Options that are participating and performing in this show. Times: Friday at 7 pm, Saturday at 7 pm, Sunday at 2 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Mark your calendars…Tuesday, March 22nd Girls on the M.O.V.E. at Columbia Upper Elementary School! Participants will receive the book “I am Peace”-a book for all ages! We have a few T-shirts available courtesy Columbia Schools for those girls that haven’t received one! And the girls’ favorite, Zumba with Rosa !
almost 3 years ago, Monika Cook
Girls on the move
JACKSON READS (in partnership with Ella’s MUSEUM DAYS, the YMCA & Library): Save the date - May 7 from 11-3 pm at Ella Sharp. 10+ books per child. (Bags are 0-3, preschool-K, Grades 1-2, 3-4, & 5-6+). Activities & Authors
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia Central presents "Legally Blonde the Musical," which is opening tonight. There are over 50 students from the jr. high, sr. high, and Options that are participating and performing in this show. Times: Friday at 7 pm, Saturday at 7 pm, Sunday at 2 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Quote of the Day: 💙🦅💛 “ May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears.“ - Nelson Mandela
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Please join us on March 18th, 19th @ 7pm or a matinee on March 20th @ 2pm to watch "Legally Blonde The Musical". Tickets are $10 for adults, $7 students/seniors or a family of 4 $30 ($5 for additional members).
almost 3 years ago, Monika Cook
Legally Blonde
Youth Soccer registrations are due tomorrow, Friday, March 18! Registration and more information is available at this link: https://tinyurl.com/4k8xta8h or contact Courtney.Toteff@myeagles.org if you have questions."
almost 3 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Youth Soccer registrations are due tomorrow, Friday, March 18! Registration and more information is available at this link: https://tinyurl.com/4k8xta8h or contact Courtney.Toteff@myeagles.org if you have questions.
almost 3 years ago, Monika Cook
Soccer Ball