May 26, 2022
Dear Columbia School District Family,
Our hearts and prayers are with the families, students, staff and community at Robb Elementary School in Texas. Along with the Columbia School District Board of Education, teachers and staff members, we offer a caring and supporting condolence to the Uvalde community.
The Columbia School District is a family and we care deeply about each other and the safety of those in our district. Please know that your child’s safety is our number one priority. We are committed to collaborate as a school community to make our school environment a safe place where we are focused on excellence, and for our students to learn and grow strong.
The American School Counselor Association has recommended several important points to support your children as they work to process the tragedy at Robb Elementary.
Keep routines as normal as possible. Children gain security from the predictability of routine, including attending school.
Limit exposure to television and the news.
Be honest with children and share with them as much information as they are developmentally able to handle.
Listen to children’s fears and concerns.
Reassure children that the world is a good place to be, but that there are people who do bad things.
Families and adults need to first deal with and assess their own responses to crisis and stress.
Rebuild and reaffirm attachments and relationships.
In addition, the Columbia School District urges you to review the following points that will help us to provide the best in a safe secure learning environment for your children.:
Reassure your children that they are safe at Columbia. Our principals, counselors, teachers and staff members are focused on creating a safe, secure environment designed to value our students..
The Columbia School District has a solid partnership with the Columbia Township Police Department. Our liaison, along with the entire force, will continue to work to support and build relationships with our students.
The Columbia School District team, in collaboration with the Columbia Township Police Department has met and reviewed the CSD Crisis Plan twice this school year. The individual school buildings have practiced drills as part of the school year protocol.
On Wednesday, May 25th, the Board Crisis and Safety Committee, met with the administration, counselors, school nurses, the Columbia Township Police and a representative from the Michigan State Police to review school safety protocols (this was already scheduled prior to the tragedy).
During the 2013 Bond Proposal, and the construction during 2015, the Columbia School District created secure entry vestibules, and installed card readers at entrance doors making our entry points more secure.
The Columbia School District installed the lockout boot system to increase safety for our students and staff members.
Many of our staff members have been trained in ALICE and CPI, both school safety trainings.
Columbia School District routinely notifies families of the OK2Say program that gives students and community members an opportunity to make anonymous tips.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our principals and counselors if your child has concerns or they need support.
More information may be found at the American Psychological Association website.
At this difficult time, we stand in support of the Robb Elementary School family with our condolences, thoughts and prayers. As we continue to support our Columbia School District family, we offer a message of hope for the future of our children as they grow and thrive in our community.
Educationally yours,
Pamela Campbell, Ph.D.