Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Check out our new Breakfast and Lunch Menu website! MySchoolMenus.com
Columbia Schools Food Service
Free Breakfast and Lunch Informative Letter
Breakfast begins at 7:40 a.m. at the elementary schools and 7:25 a.m. at the high school. Students arriving late who don't have time to eat in the cafeteria can take a grab-and-go bag.
K-2nd Grade Breakfast Choices: Besides a daily menu choice, we offer cereal bars, fresh fruit, and milk. Students must take a fruit option with breakfast.
K-2nd Grade Lunch Choices: In addition to daily menu choice, we offer an alternate cold meal choice. The cold lunch options are sent out weekly to teachers. Students must take a fruit or vegetable for a complete lunch.
3rd- 12th Grade Breakfast Choices: Hot breakfast is available daily along with assorted cereal, cereal bars, uncrustables, muffins, bagels with cream cheese, juice, fresh fruit, and milk. Students must take a fruit option with breakfast.
3rd-12th Grade Lunch Choices: Besides the daily menu choice, we offer hot and cold alternate meal choices, including Bosco sticks, chef salad, or sack lunch. A full salad bar is included with all meals. Students must take a fruit or vegetable for a complete lunch.
Fresh fruit and vegetable varieties are offered in all schools when you purchase a meal.
If you would rather complete an application online, please go to Family Portal.
Free Meals are available to all students!
Did you know free summer meals are available in your area? Click the link below for the nearest summer food service program site!
Meal Information
Free meals for all students are available for the 2024-2025 school year. It is crucial that families still complete and submit an Education Benefit Form as the data is used to calculate funding for other at-risk programs. Sharing Information Form
Columbia School District has implemented electronic cash registers called "Meal Magic" in our cafeterias. This new system allows us to set up debit accounts for each student.Parents/Guardians can then send a check to the school for their student’s lunch needs. Meal Magic will then track the amount spent by the student from each day’s meal auto-magically using the student’s name or ID number! We will have a record of all of your deposits and how the money is spent. Vending machines are available for use for students in grades 3rd-12th. The machines accept cash or funds from student lunch accounts. To use lunch account funds, the student will enter their student ID number followed by a pin number. Pin numbers are available in the food service office. Students should not share their pin numbers with other students.
Note: If you have more than one student in the district, you can send one check for deposit. Make sure that all the student names and amounts that each account is to receive are included on the check.
To use the Family Portal, you will need your student's ID number, which you can get from the office or by calling Lindsay Kent at (517) 769-8708. If you want to fill out an application for free or reduced lunches, you can do so at the Family Portal or by picking up a paper application at the school office.
If you have any questions, please call our Food Service Director, Lindsay Kent, at (517) 769-8708 or email lindsay.kent@myeagles.org.
The School Food Guidelines are the result of a collaborative effort of the Coordinated School Health Team and District representatives for Columbia School District. The purpose of the School Food Guidelines Mission Statement is to enable schools to provide healthy and nutritious food and beverage choices to students and staff. The venues include but are not limited to vending machines, a la carte sales, food rewards, fundraisers, school stores, school parties, and after-school activities. Local Wellness Policy
By promoting healthy behaviors we can all help:
Increase students’ level of alertness and ability to learn
Reduce absences
Improve behavior
Teach lifelong healthy eating habits
Prevent the premature onset of chronic diseases
Improve self-image/ self-esteem
Address the issue of childhood obesity
Nutritional Information on the Menus
F=fat grams
S=mg of sodium
Chocolate milk with 1% fat is included although skim milk and 1% white are also available.