Derek Jackson, Principal
School Schedule:
Full Day: 7:55 am - 2:55 pm
Half Day: 7:55 am- 11:20 am
Office: (517) 592-6632
Fax: (517) 200-4154
Absentee: (517) 592-7552
Preschool (For 3/4 Preschool and K-5 Latchkey)
The True Community Credit Union is available at Columbia Elementary School once a week starting in November. For more information, visit True Community Credit Union.
Points of Pride!
Buddies Community Mentoring Program
Curriculum-Based Field Trips
GSRP and Tuition Paid Preschool Programs
Before and After School Childcare
Family Math, Literacy, and Science Nights
Young 5's Program
High School Mentors for Reading and Math
Lego Robotics Jr. Program
Eagle Ticket Winners
Pizza with the Principal
Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

Our Kindergarten program is the best in the area! Columbia Elementary School offers all-day kindergarten which is a dynamic energetic caring program that prepares your child for school success and lifelong learning. Please call CES at (517) 592-6632 to register your child for kindergarten. (Your child must be 5 by September 1st to begin Kindergarten or the Young 5’s Program may be considered.)
Interested in FREE 4 year old preschool?
Columbia Elementary offers the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). You may qualify for FREE Preschool for 4 year olds. Many factors are considered. We have 32 full-day openings. Please pass the word! To sign-up, go to or call the GSRP hotline at (517) 768-5130. Don’t miss this chance for FREE, high-quality preschool! Register today!!
Students at CES and CUES can enjoy free breakfast anytime from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Students also have the option to take a grab-and-go breakfast as a snack if they have already eaten breakfast at home. Please do not drop off children before 7:45 a.m. as there is no adult supervision available until 7:45 a.m. Keeping children safe is our priority!
Lunch costs $2.65 daily, which includes milk. If you pack your child’s lunch they can purchase milk ONLY for 50 cents. Please consider filling out a free or reduced lunch application even if you are unsure that you will qualify. If your child qualifies, it helps your family and it also helps our school! This information is kept confidential. Students are not identified in any way by how they pay for their lunch.
COLUMBIA CONNECTION - We look forward to connecting with you!
CES (Pk-2) School Office 517-592-6632
CES Attendance Voicemail: 517-592-7552
Columbia Transportation Department: 517-592-6449
If you are interested in childcare or preschool, please call 517-592-9753 or email for more information. We offer childcare from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. each day.
We are so grateful for the partnership we have with you to work toward our goal to “WORK HARD & BE KIND” this school year. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to adapt to the educational setting and requirements while we keep everyone safe and healthy. We are looking forward to an amazing year!
Columbia Elementary School will conduct fire, tornado and lockdown drills throughout the year. When a drill has taken place, it will be indicated on the Emergency Action Drills form.