11775 Hewitt Rd, Brooklyn, MI 49230

Rich Okoniewski

Rich Okoniewski
Jr. Sr. HS Principal

Travis Cushman

Travis Cushman
 Assistant Principal

Photo of Josh Kubiak.

Josh Kubiak
Assistant Principal

Ryan Hackworth

Ryan Hackworth

Athletic Director

School Schedule:

Full Day: 7:45 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Half Day: 7:45 a.m.- 10:57 a.m.

CCHS Office: (517) 592-6634
CCHS Fax: (517) 200-4155

Athletics Fax: (517) 200-4152
CCHS Absentee: (517) 769-8673 

Please call within 24 hours of your child’s absence

Jackson County Early College is a new option for high school students to build a career pathway and begin their college degree as early as ninth grade. Students, while completing the program, may earn an associate degree (60 credits) by the end of an additional year (year 13). Click here for more information. Apply Online

M-STEP Parent Report Video A guide to help to understand M-Step reports. To continue the Department’s commitment to support teachers, parents, and students throughout this transition to higher expectations for all students, a newly developed video is now available which summarizes M-STEP and walks viewers through how to read and interpret student scores within the M-STEP Parent Report. Watch Video

Recognition to Our School
Columbia Central High School named to Top 20 Jackson Area Academic State Champion Schools! 
Featured on Mlive



Welcome Back! Together as a community, we have faced an uncertain time. With strength in our partnership, we have been able to support one another and create a stronger community. While last school year was not the traditional end we expected, it provided us opportunities to learn and grow as educators. Now more than ever, our staff is so excited to welcome back our students and families.

As you know, the safety of our staff and students will remain a top priority as we begin this school year. We have developed educational plans according to the Governor's Michigan Back to School Road Map. Our staff is prepared to provide students with valuable learning experiences for both face-to-face instruction and through virtual learning if necessary. Columbia Central will continue to provide students with multiple opportunities to learn and grow, Some of these unique courses and activities for our student body include:

  • Advanced Placement courses in the areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, History, and Psychology

  • Award-winning Marching, Concert, Jazz Band and Choir programs

  • Theatre productions offered at the junior high and high school level

  • Professional student organizations including the National Junior Honor Society and National Honor Society

  • Student clubs including Most Teen’s Don’t, Student Senate, Academic Games, and more

  • Award-winning Robotics program for junior high and high school students

  • Community service opportunities include our high school Leadership course, National Honor Society, and the Kiwanis Key Club

  • Variety of athletic opportunities offered each season

  • The foreign language department at Columbia Central offers students the opportunity to travel abroad.

In addition, we offer a comprehensive counseling program to support student wellness and mental health needs. Mrs. Diefenthaler and Ms. White work together to service our student population and connect families with outside resources when necessary.

Remind App for Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School Parents
We will begin providing short updates and reminders for parents using the Remind App. You may receive notifications using your smartphone or email. Please use this link to join Columbia Central Jr./Sr. High School Remind. We will begin sending updates this week.

Weighted Grades/Class Rank
The Board of Education of Columbia Central High School has adopted a method of weighting students' classroom performance. This weighting system is used to determine students' rank in class. 

Points of Pride!

  • Free Jackson County Early College 

  • Advanced Placement Courses 

  • Award-Winning Band Program

  • STEM Courses

  • Advanced Technology in every classroom

  • Excellent Athletic Programs

  • New Student Online Registration 

  • Educational field trips to European Countries

  • Art Education available to all students 

  • Service Learning Projects

  •  Performing Arts 

  • Highly Ranked in Jackson County 

  • Summer Programs 

  • Silver & Bronze Medallion Award Recipients 


There is a story behind this fight song. More than three decades ago, the music department decided the current song, based on the Marine Hymn, had run its course and the school needed something "more catchy". A committee, made up of Robert Spencer, Lee Brower, and Phil Chelekis, researched other fight songs and decided the fight song from Central Michigan University was the best for us. Mr. Chelekis adapted the music and the committee came up with the lyrics, loosely based on CMU.

Fight, Central, down the field
Fight for victory
Fight, Eagles, never yield
We're with you oh varsity

Onward with banners bold
In our hearts, you are the best,
Fight for the blue and gold,
Down the field for CHS,

Varsity! Victory!
Eagles, we're proud of that nickname!

Hear our song!
Loud and strong!
Central is going to win this game.

Come on and ... (repeat)

Columbia Central Fight Song